Jing ®

RT @BBCBreaking: Jacques Chirac, former French president whose later years were blighted by corruption scandals, has died aged 86 https://t…
一直拿中国的碳排放量说事,无非是目前看体量大,而且全球制造工厂短时间内难以撼动。但中国毕竟工业化起步晚,累计排量还不是最高的,而且中国人均碳排量也算不上特别高。想象一下未来当中国和印度的生活水平达到欧美国家的程度…… https://t.co/v0o75HWXtb
一位叔叔给的摘南瓜指南,逻辑清晰的pdeudocode范本。叔叔您上辈子一定是个折翼的程序猿…… https://t.co/wGtlkk1ENV
RT @JonnyPrinceC: Thomas Cook Honda Jaguar Airbus HSBC Panasonic Toshiba EasyJet Hitachi P&O Sony Lloyds Barclays AXA UBS Ford EBA Unileve…
Perfect excuse of storing sugar and fat in my working cupboard, and drinking Coca-Cola while coding... I’m buring m… https://t.co/xzYUWWmpta
Perfect excuse of storing sugar and fat in my working cupboard, and drink Coca-Cola while coding... I’m buring my c… https://t.co/p2YrhAbLss
Three more new incidents of oxygen bottle found tempered on Cathay Pacific flights, latest in happened on Sep 16 on… https://t.co/t2iTXmAzb5
三个月没运动(感谢爸妈),前天去打网球... 今天早上的感觉就是:妈呀我的腿!我的腿... 我的胳膊!我的胳膊...
RT @marklisseman: Is that diagram… accurate?? https://t.co/D5bTEh6F0f
RT @getbentsaggy: random act of kindness xox https://t.co/oaC04fHgjh
昨有Chinazi,今见Hong Kraine,在造词天赋上,我觉得我们是血缘同胞没得跑,别做无谓抵抗了... 🤣😂 https://t.co/IpdZBGoe5q
RT @sasimons: today SNL announced the hiring of its first cast member of East Asian descent, and also this guy https://t.co/0FAGJZJUkK
Mum complained that she had been my slave since arrived, as she had to do all the housework. I strongly objected, I… https://t.co/P4KnAvkccQ
RT @FinancialTimes: Just in. https://t.co/Ct7Jh39VBZ
V&A Room 91-93 has one of the finest collections of jewellery. This is the first time of my visit, absolutely stunn… https://t.co/WrghSGvzFn
RT @Mr_Meowwwgi: Even better with sound... https://t.co/XTiqwSdaGg
RT @AaronBastani: This is what leadership in modern British civil society should look like. It shows strength - not weakness - to admit p…
自从上次看了马克思动画,我以为自己对这种少女画风免疫了。现在来了,真·资本主义·和肯德基上校约会。谁能告诉我以后怎么直视吮指鸡块?!我觉得日本应该对这些负起责任! https://t.co/w6YKb31oYZ
RT @tanxinbuzu: the thick of it一定会出 https://t.co/AKXaA2V5n1
Yes minister 不出脱欧续集天理不容!
Death stare, that is. 来自上议院乌仗卫士的死亡凝视。 I feel the tickets of parliament tour I bought this summer is now paying o… https://t.co/d4AlKUYGe3
Microsoft opens flagship store in Oxford Circus. It is also its first retail shop in Europe apparently. 昨晚路过牛津街,大概… https://t.co/rrmzKC5SV4
国仇家恨 🤣😂 https://t.co/ILwpUHqyAa
RT @JoshuaRozenberg: Good morning from R (Miller) v Prime Minister, in the High Court of England and Wales (Divisional Court). Gina Miller…
RT @davidallengreen: Whack! And Pannick now in his stride https://t.co/q3pgplYo6E
RT @JoshuaRozenberg: Good morning from R (Miller) v Prime Minister, in the High Court of England and Wales (Divisional Court). Gina Miller…
Suppose government pass the emergency legislation to block no deal Brexit. It leaves BJ no other leverage to negoti… https://t.co/xzh9XkI1jc
RT @NickGarnettBBC: Bookshop in Fowey, Cornwall. https://t.co/lxCgaZpsIz