Jing ®

依然可读 => 项飙:区分“占中”与“占钟”,直面香港群众运动中的民主诉求与政党政治 https://t.co/pnZm6Iyv80
RT @lvv2com: 今天看到一个消息,涅槃字幕组的创始人因病离世,一时间真的很难过。我一直觉得,字幕组是一个很神奇的存在。他们躲在字幕后面,日日重复找资源,翻译,打轴,校对,分享。不被官方认可,手里没 https://t.co/TgrIwltlz1 https://t.c…
陈启宗谈香港问题 “(北京)太低估英国,太高估自己,不理解香港人... ” 说得太对了 https://t.co/4QdJfXeumK
RT @tanxinbuzu: 匪夷所思啊… https://t.co/yTL6f7aOTN
Putting a 10 yrs old kid on street, then take advantage from it by making her propaganda material. One has to be ve… https://t.co/wocjGN93eg
难道不是Never Mind the Scandal and Libel梗? https://t.co/xp0uCzUQYe
充满煽动性和无端恨意,这跟歧视大陆人的港人有何不同?街头运动有其多面性,从开始到结尾有几多转折,十几万港人和平游行分分钟就被你说成是闹剧了?这种话既不为香港好,也不为大陆好。不问真相永无进步,望港人与国人共勉。 https://t.co/N3Kdr5C5Lu
今年夏天几乎所有朋友都在招待爸妈,一到聚会吐槽爸妈能轮流吐一小时,忽然觉得我爸妈还行。欣慰。全靠同行衬托。 https://t.co/Kfn11qjO5h
William Blake exhb @ Tate Britain. Saw some of his paintings in book but real ones are much better. Less pretentiou… https://t.co/7qWRJMV40A
再看看外部条件的变化:经济发展强劲,欧美金融危机后自顾不暇,国际舆论温和,颜色革命尚未延烧全世界,社交媒体的威力未完全展现,没有贸易战 https://t.co/ryi2eBOmHG
禁蒙面法具体条款 https://t.co/1PinxKo11N
With all due respect, this is hardly a scene of ugliness. This shows the deep conflict between mainlanders and hker… https://t.co/U5MZ4TmHzf
跟同事聊起香港事态的发展,社媒上是怎么一轮又一轮舆论攻势,引发一轮又一轮示威抗议,从元朗,到独眼女,到太子站... 林郑和警方简直跟梦游一样,完全无法回应,也无法引导。同事语重心长地说,只有川大统领的风格才能与社媒攻势一搏。md 好有道理我竟无从反驳...
No they didn’t! 😱😱😱 https://t.co/d8HTL2YwWE
You had one job, yet... 🤦‍♀️🤣 https://t.co/kWMf37W3f1
RT @rolandmcs: Very useful interactive @BorderIrish map showing every crossing point, with associated pic and narratives. https://t.co/j1N
Only die hard free market supporter will deny any form of government intervention in economic growth. In Chinese ca… https://t.co/ngOFK3kc1M
双重感觉,中国人应当庆祝和自豪,不是为CCP,而是为自己的勤奋努力。但同时也不要忘记繁荣背后的不公义,以及被损害和被侮辱的。Let’s celebrate what we achieved, not for CCP, but fo… https://t.co/6bafTR1jwX
国庆阅兵洋溢着春节联欢晚会的氛围…… 彩车充分体现了我国各省领导的平均审美水平..... 微博点评依然是亮点...... 政治经济双收紧,大家保持欢脱,侧面反映了我国人民爱热闹本性和抗打击能力..... 🤦‍♀️
少壮不努力,老大online learning 😂
RT @koenrh: If you share a Dropbox Paper document publicly, any viewer can see the full name and email address of _any_ Dropbox user who ev…
RT @random_walker: When we watch TV, our TVs watch us back and track our habits. This practice has exploded recently since it hasn’t faced…
建议以后护国小将先从这位小同志学起,团结紧张严肃活泼,兼具观赏和娱乐为一体。😂 https://t.co/5YxIhpDBpb
There must be a term dedicating to this kind of style, Chinese communist cyberpunk or cyberpunk with Chinese commun… https://t.co/JJJqCMD2Ld
这个是事实也的确应该重视。国内鲜见残疾人和手推车上街,也不是因为我国的残疾人特别少,而是社会环境不允许他们像正常人一样生活。国内对这些真正的弱势群体的关怀实在太欠了。 https://t.co/dDUZkxQPT3
A woman was besieged by protesters in the shopping mall because she was spotting taking the video. Her phone was ro… https://t.co/hdJqu4SzGp
#不会答但我要强答 可口可乐口感更脆,百事口感偏软。 https://t.co/DJ8rJRwqdL
Despite symbol was initially made by protest side aming to fanning more “police brutality”. Tables were turned only… https://t.co/5L5w0EIO1G
RT @BBCBreaking: Jacques Chirac, former French president whose later years were blighted by corruption scandals, has died aged 86 https://t…
一直拿中国的碳排放量说事,无非是目前看体量大,而且全球制造工厂短时间内难以撼动。但中国毕竟工业化起步晚,累计排量还不是最高的,而且中国人均碳排量也算不上特别高。想象一下未来当中国和印度的生活水平达到欧美国家的程度…… https://t.co/v0o75HWXtb