Jing ®

周一:以后少花时间在推上怼,切记切记 周二:我去这推是什么玩意儿... 周三:我怼 周四:我怼 周五:我怼 周六周日:自我反省远离推特的周末,世界真美好!
所以现在深圳要推八万五计划,等着看看这个改革的后续推行和效果。而且,高房价和消费主义有什么关系?消费主义的本质是无节制的过度制造和财富资源的消耗,高房价不背这个锅。 https://t.co/alCIKVctsA
所以现在深圳要推八万五计划,等着看看这个改革的后续推行和效果。 https://t.co/alCIKVctsA
这个扯,不是没给你机会让年轻人参选走改良路线。梁颂恒,游惠桢立法会宣誓搞的什么鬼?请问这些年轻人得到机会,真正去践行了他们的政治理想了吗?不过是一种弱智政治表演而已。香港的年轻人不要这么健忘,真要改良好好想想该怎么走才是。 https://t.co/rS5lQhQ6Lz
me不metoo我不在乎,打上舶来品的标签对当事人是否真正有益也有待观察,但至少不该这样打压国内的女权活动者,尤其这种校园性侵。美国能够起诉徐钢,国内呢?新城的王振华被曝出来,两个月过去了,后续报道寥寥。以前的厦大汀洋事件,四川美… https://t.co/rIuUbi3DPO
RT @FreeXueqin: “你说,他伤害了那么多的女学生,为什么还能继续留在中大?”陈静久久不能释怀,“为什么学校会认为‘老师对学生的捏捏抱抱、亲亲吻吻是小事一桩’呢?” 这是去年独立记者黄雪琴写下的有关中山大学教授性骚扰学生和同事的报道。现在雪琴被捕,你愿意为她发一条推…
RT @C4Dispatches: THREAD: 1/10 Dispatches has found that secret meetings have taken place between senior civil servants and representatives…
TikTok owner ByteDance eyes initial public offering in Hong Kong https://t.co/i4Q18LneYS via @financialtimes
之前看到这个数据的时候心里也蛮惊讶的,后来在棉花帝国这本书里得到印证。之所以出现这样的情况,是因为工业资本主义发展初期造成了大量的农村人口迁徙,原本以耕种为生的农民生存空间被压缩,被迫放弃了自主耕种的经济模式,转而进入工业资本体系… https://t.co/CU5W234KAE
So... it is getting popular among young parents to take their babies to baby gym. This is mad. Can anyone tell me w… https://t.co/ybdLnYYtWR
True to some degree. Replacing HK's financial centre status is simply impossible for now, nor in short-term future. https://t.co/6CnpW4yzjH
Brilliant. They can just walk out and never come back. Journalists are there to report base on facts, not to advoco… https://t.co/fWIwKjKJ93
Brilliant. They can just walk out and never come back. Journalists are there to report base on facts, not to advoco… https://t.co/JR9xgIpaus
RT @chenchenzh: "Li Liping, a prof at Shantou Uni, recruited students as interviewers, paid for their travel & labour costs & interviewed l…
RT @NHM_London: Huge congratulations to our #WPY55 winners! 🏆 Discover all the details behind this year's Young Winner, and this year's Wil…
RT @codinghorror: I liked my Xiaomi M365 electric scooter so much I bought another one (in white). Prices are excellent right now https://…
Omfg... 🤦‍♀️ https://t.co/fkLl6bZ6LU
RT @FinancialTimes: Parliament has voted to support Boris Johnson’s Brexit withdrawal agreement in principle. The government's 30-vote marg…
最近感觉Amazon UK 上的二手书价格普遍翻了一翻!以前老有£0.99的旧书,现在很少见,都是£4-£5起。新一点的二手书都要£7-£8!电子书也涨价了!!气人!幸福感下降了10个百分点!🙄😭
RT @sundersays: Explanatory notes to the Withdrawal Agreement Bill. EU nationals will lose legal status to reside in UK if not registered b…
Labour Party should dismiss itself really, or rename itself to “I have no idea but I OBJECT Party”. Apart from obje… https://t.co/Vb95vsJSY6
一言不合就游行…… 一言不合堵地铁…… 一言不合就拔枪…… 一言不合闹革命…… 啦啦啦啦啦啦! 我是卖报的小行家。 不等明天去派报, 刷推特,上头条。 今天的新闻真正好, 一个铜板不要就看到。
RT @BBCBreaking: PM Boris Johnson says the UK and EU have agreed "great new deal" for Brexit https://t.co/D9Asukjk9Q
Bravo this young lady, she voiced out confusion of many mainlanders in HK, and addressed their biggest concern. Man… https://t.co/ECco2Z7RH2
今天听播客讲到在叙利亚战区一个物美价廉的旅馆老板拒绝离开旅馆,说如果我离开了,就代表我永远放弃了这个地方,如果我留下,旅馆被炮弹打坏了我还可以修... 还蛮感动的,想到我同事的夫人,她舅舅也是因为类似的原因拒绝离开故土,尽管家里很多人劝他走,结果舅舅在去年一场自杀式爆炸中就去世
RT @NobelPrize: BREAKING NEWS: The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018 is awarded to the Polish author Olga Tokarczuk. The Nobel Prize in Li…
RT @NobelPrize: BREAKING NEWS: The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018 is awarded to the Polish author Olga Tokarczuk. The Nobel Prize in Li…
还有个想法,nba一事是无脑爱国主义,背后还有一种巨大愤怒的集中爆发。这种愤怒不是针对nba,而是对美国发动贸易战,对香港类似背叛的示威(不管是不是),一种“我刚过上好日子就要来搞我”,甚至对压抑的互联网氛围的不满。这种愤怒情绪是… https://t.co/i5APQ4zkn8
依然可读 => 项飙:区分“占中”与“占钟”,直面香港群众运动中的民主诉求与政党政治 https://t.co/pnZm6Iyv80