Jing ®

Love love love 💕 Kandisa - Indian Ocean (Full song) https://t.co/KFpeIxBUzb via @YouTube
Ah here we come. Deliberately causing social and market panic, aiming for capital outflow. They were previously cal… https://t.co/rkJQ1ZQzyx
RT @techreview: A machine vision system has the potential to change the way we understand the history of art. https://t.co/IMggdQu6xx
所以我们要坚定不移地走骑墙派路线,拳打小粉红,脚踢灯塔国,手握自由书,口喊我的国,关键时刻还要怼怼国际友人。反正我就打算这么干。🧛‍♀️ https://t.co/RZ34PUIdJO
Forget all the nationalistic sentiment, this design is aesthetically corrupted. My fellow Chinese citizens should b… https://t.co/JVFLGR5RnO
RT @hanipersian: 5 years ago today, 13 Aug 2014, Iranian Mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani was honored with Fields Medal, the most prestigiou…
Thanks for the security guard and people who carried out the rescue. Also noticed when the guy got beaten up, there… https://t.co/3KtDkEJUNn
This is so wrong in so many levels! STOP! Even if he is an undercover cop from mainland(not saying he is though)! https://t.co/oqQtZGg4eE
House of Parliament 不错,值得一游,顺便复习一下英国内战到光荣革命的那段历史,唯一遗憾是大本钟尚在维修。上议院装饰豪华,又是一种 #祖上富过 的感觉,下议院相对简单。1834年10月的一场大火烧毁了绝大部分建筑… https://t.co/op58PQ7yCI
RT @UselessTree: An interesting piece from a 北大 law professor. China could have limited Hong Kong protests with comparably fair judicial…
The one targeted conspirators’ children abroad is particularly amateur, why neglect the fact that lots of CCP buro… https://t.co/0mXWKHRvJi
While HK retail and tourism industry take a hit bcz of protests and trade war, they gonna add more fuel to the fire… https://t.co/s7gmB8BZxK
RT @ukhomeoffice: To ensure the UK is a world leader in innovation, we’re launching a new fast-track visa route to help attract #scientists
RT @lvv2com: 8月5日,北京国信公证处为两位同性恋男子办理了意定监护协议公证、生前预嘱公证。这是《民法总则》实施以来,该处办理的北京乃至北方地区首例特殊群体(同性群体)的此类公证。 https://t.co/UjnAkzTYgt
RT @tictoc: WATCH: Nearly 2 million Muslims from around the globe have begun arriving in Mecca, Saudi Arabia to participate in Hajj — a man…
RT @GeorgeSzamuely: This is shocking, a naked attempt to starve Venezuela's population in order to force it to overthrow Maduro. Violation…
Well... good to know strike is no longer needed, goal reached. 🤪💪🤟 https://t.co/TC1TFsxPE6
Not AGAIN 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ https://t.co/cA1AunZveb
It is very interesting to observe how Chinese state propaganda evolved in Internet era. https://t.co/HR6GufMPlL
RT @Andrew_Adonis: ‘Britain is desperate. You don’t quit your job before you get a new one, which you’ve done. There is no chance of US tra…
RT @MacleodFinance: The US wants to stop portfolio flows through Shanghai Connect. That's what this is all about. Bass is acting as a gvt s…
You only see these kind of propaganda on SNS. That’s why every time I see someone labelled himself Asia/China polic… https://t.co/JW5jXqc4vr
早上看到有人用 Pyrrhic War (皮洛士战争)来评论美国把中国列为汇率操纵国和贸易战升级,好奇查了一下,原来就是 “杀敌一千自损八百” 的英文版。😌 https://t.co/F9qBZ1mkG7
RT @ShoebridgeC: When someone with the credentials of former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter says the #KhanSheikhoun #Douma ‘chemical attack…
RT @eolander: The Shanghai-based New Development Bank, aka "The BRICS Bank," announced it will start to move away from making loans only in…
支持一下国内为数不多还在坚持的工人组织 👉 https://t.co/UiEjM6hZKv
纯观察,示威抗议采用的宣传手段: 1. 照片截取最大人流以达到造势目的; 2. 一人 vs 整队警察以达到戏剧效果,一人以老弱妇孺为最佳,凸显平民弱势; 3. 统一服装装备作为抗争象征,黄色头盔、黑色T恤、雨伞等; 4.… https://t.co/fJEucDuJVv