Christopher Galtenberg

RT @WanderingBowl: RIP My dear Watson. You were magnificent to Jeremy Brett's brilliant Sherlock.
The king is dead. RT @engadget Kindle books officially take over print sales at Amazon, pulp starts planning retirement
'Homeless' Planets May Be Common In Our Galaxy
If I were one of the original @github guys, every night I'd be going to bed in complete wonderment at what the project has accomplished.
I've not seen a shot across the bow like that in a long time (re: last tweet). The whole development world will see that post by end of week
A rethink of the terminal (and Unix philosophy) -
"I've been administering Unix machines for many years now, and frankly, it kinda sucks. It makes me wonder, when sitting in front of a crisp, 2.3 million pixel display (i.e. a laptop) why I'm telling those pixels to draw me a computer terminal from the 80s." - Christopher Galtenberg
"So instead, I opted for a front-end built in WebKit. Programs can display anything that a browser can, including HTML5 media. The output is built out of generic widgets (lists, tables, images, files, progress bars, etc.). The goal is to offer a rich enough set for the common data types of Unix, extensible with plug-ins. The back-end streams display output to the front-end, as a series of objects and commands." - Christopher Galtenberg
Worth visiting for the blog design alone. But this is a paradigm-shifting project, I believe. - Christopher Galtenberg
RT @daringfireball: How Does a Socialist Public Servant Pay for $3,000-a-Night Hotel Suites and First-Class Flights?:
"Being right" = being where your temperament wants you to be
Chamber music makes life feel even better than Christmas.
AssetHat (great name) -- auto minify & bundle CSS & JS, auto load JS from CDN, simpler includes
I wish The Social Network soundtrack was 800 hours long. More please, @Trent_Reznor.
Pick up Ghosts. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
There's nothing vital on With Teeth. A throwaway album, imo. - Christopher Galtenberg
RT @dailydish: The Browning Of America: A map of demographic change:
Illuminating read. Obama As A "Third Culture Kid" -
"Obama, is what we call, a TCK—A Third Culture Kid. TCK’s grow up as the children of missionaries, or as military brats, or as the children of businessmen. It means that you grew up during your early developmental years in a culture outside of your parents’ home culture." - Christopher Galtenberg
Chris -- there has been quite a bit of serious academic research into the field of "elite sociopaths" -- highly successful people who are glib, charming and thoroughly manipulative and dishonest. They tend to be very likable, like Obama, and convey an aura of convincing sincerity. Absolutely nothing they say can be trusted -- there is usually a major mismatch between their words and actions. The bottom line is that Obama has extended and expanded on the neoconservative policies that he promised to reverse. Few Obama supporters are able to deal with this reality in a rational way. - Sean McBride
RT @dailydish: Sarah Palin's Ethics Adviser: Now stripped of his law license by Alaska's Supreme Court: An Alaska bar committe...
CoffeeScript Cookbook (newly under development)
RT @BenjySarlin: Back when I was a kid I always wondered what was up with Newt's portrayal in Doonesbury as a giant bomb waiting to go off.
I call on @PivotalLabs to post more knowledge on Stack Overflow. Pose questions and then answer them. You do this in standup anyway. Thanks!
Damn good patent -- so now can't be done anywhere else RT @daringfireball Facebook Awarded Patents for Tagging in Photos:
.@conor64 You are a giant among bloggers -- I truly enjoy reading every one of your pieces. Thank you for your semi-long-form and cogency.
Nothing epitomizes "brain drain" more than the advertising industry.
Well, at least the sweatshop workers only have to come up with one color of t-shirt for both the Dallas & OKC crowds.
There's one guy on the planet that wants to see Dirk Nowitzki win a championship during his career, but he doesn't count.
RailsConf friends: RT @bluebox Be sure to stop by the Blue Box, New Relic & Pivotal Labs party this evening #railsconf -
RT @acdha: The Schwarzenegger news must be infuriating for the same-sex couples whose marriage rights he vetoed twice
RT @alexpalex: This is a photograph: - no, really, it's a photograph.
Nighttime dreams are minor illnesses.
New, intriguing ipad apps from the New York Public Library
RT @angellist: Michael Dell (@MichaelDell) joins AngelList: