I wish The Social Network soundtrack was 800 hours long. More please, @Trent_Reznor.
Pick up Ghosts. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I have it, it's good. But not nearly as developed. - Christopher Galtenberg
Wish I could agree, £og€x - Christopher Galtenberg
Sufficing with a hand-made NIN playlist - very The Fragile, Ghosts, and remix heavy - Christopher Galtenberg
The Mark Has Been Made, 32 Ghosts IV, The Four of Us are Dying, 14 Ghosts II, The Greater Good, Just Like You Imagined, The Downward Spiral (The Bottom), Underneath It All, The Wretched, My Violent Heart, Ruiner, Wish, Pilgrimage, 31 Ghosts IV, We're In This Together, Hurt, No, You Don't, Zero-Sum, Somewhat Damaged, Letting You, 30 Ghosts IV, 35 Ghosts IV - Christopher Galtenberg
Christopher, are you the one who gutted their With Teeth album and only kept 2-3 songs? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
There's nothing vital on With Teeth. A throwaway album, imo. - Christopher Galtenberg