Christopher Galtenberg

New, intriguing ipad apps from the New York Public Library
RT @angellist: Michael Dell (@MichaelDell) joins AngelList:
RT @kellyoxford: This May 21st rapture thing is going to create a lot of genetically inferior February babies.
If building the outline feels like a burden, or doesn't get done, it's not the right text. If forging the outline feels amazing, then bingo.
RT @fmanjoo: Poor Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss will have to make do with $100+ million for doing nothing.
RT @assaf: The Cognitive Cost of Doing Things
Good share - thanks - Joel Kotarski
RT @mathowie: The best science fiction feels exactly like the truth but 6 months to several years from actually happening. Like this:
Splatter Pattern would be a good prog-death metal band name
I could listen to Godsmack's Shadow Of A Soul every day for the rest of my life. Best song since In Flames' The Quiet Place.
Not having (miss) -> Creation. We create to have (back).
Writing a book without an outline is like attempting to guide a ship across the ocean to a distant port following only the waves.
Very true. Don't assume full security on Dropbox RT @stevehurd @galtenberg might not be the best option after reading this...
This series has been everything you'd expect from a Memphis-Oklahoma City series (*facepalm *curses Spurs)
A simple solution for team members not comfortable with git -- just set them up on Dropbox
Clever - thanks for the share. - Joel Kotarski
Yes, almost frictionless... - Christopher Galtenberg
This personal hotspot iOS upgrade has been money well spent. No more public networks. No excuse not to code. Ever.
Mitt Romney Haunted By Past Of Trying To Help Uninsured Sick People | The Onion -
""Every day I am haunted by the fact that I gave impoverished Massachusetts citizens a chance to receive health care," Romney told reporters Wednesday, adding that he feels ashamed whenever he looks back at how he forged bipartisan support to help uninsured Americans afford medicine to cure their illnesses. "I'm only human, and I've made mistakes. None bigger, of course, than helping cancer patients receive chemotherapy treatments and making sure that those suffering from pediatric AIDS could obtain medications, but that's my cross to bear."" - Christopher Galtenberg
The onion has so much class. hits the nail right on the head.... - Roberto Bonini
There is no Shakespeare other than a Shakespeare that wrote a shitload.
"Most people have so little aesthetic sense, they have to find other criteria for judging a book." -Borges (paraphrased)
What Apple did for products, Google was supposed to do for the web. And another year of incremental nothing.
Interesting because I've never owned books the size of the iPhone or iPad screens... there's always a slight dislocation adjusting to that.
I will pay you money for re-tweeting that previous Adbusters tweet. Those are some sick puppies, need neutering. They used to be cool.
Osama is @Adbusters' Che. Their "philosophy" issue celebrated jihad. They use the term "bankrupt" w/o irony @WholeFoods
RT @JamesFallows: The one chart that tells all you need to know about deficts, from CBPP
RT @brixen: One thing that says rather loudly is, a lot of people wish Javascript were something it's not.
RT @bitbckt: "Sir, a widget has malfunctioned." "Are you sure we have real jobs?"
RT @stevenjayl: January: FCC commish Meredith Baker votes to allow Comcast to swallow NBC. Today: Announces she's taking a job w Comcast. Woah.
Everyone has this chart bookmarked and memorized, right? -
Google, hit me up when you're ready to pay *me* to use #Chromebook, thx.
How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology - The Atlantic -
"Bush senior proclaimed a "new world order" after the quick and decisive victory in the 1991 Gulf War, thinking that a permanent international consensus to enforce norms of decency had been forged. Though that grand vision never came to pass, the notion that the United States and its allies were now free to project power to "do good" has remained intact." - Christopher Galtenberg
"Bush senior proclaimed a "new world order" after the quick and decisive victory in the 1991 Gulf War, thinking that a permanent international consensus to enforce norms of decency had been forged. Though that grand vision never came to pass, the notion that the United States and its allies were now free to project power to "do good" has remained intact." - Christopher Galtenberg
"Realist arguments about national interests, unknown risks, and post-conflict reconstruction have proven far less able to sway Americans than are television images of humans being slaughtered. Whereas the victims of Idi Amin were statistics, those dying in the Arab Spring have faces, names, and Facebook accounts." - Christopher Galtenberg
"The passionate zeal of the liberal interventionists and neoconservatives satisfies an emotional hunger that has been a part of our political system since the emotion-laden days of the Cold War, when the public first came to view U.S. foreign policy as a tool of good to be deployed against evil. Both ideologies use the language of morality and appeal to our shared humanity. People want to do something about tragedy and it's easy to persuade them that doing the right thing will be worthwhile. Realists may often be right, but they are rarely convincing." - Christopher Galtenberg
I think it's pretty cool+ballsy that Homebrew decides that it is *the* git repo for /usr/local :) kudos @mxcl