The Extreme Google Brain -
"Some of these boys and men exhibit extreme-male-brain tendencies, including an ability to focus obsessively for long periods of time, often on inanimate objects or abstractions (hence male domination of engineering and high-end law). Paradoxically, other male brains in these exceptional cases may have an ability to experiment with many options for short periods each. Pejoratively diagnosed as attention-deficit disorder, Pinker provides evidence this latter ability is actually a strength for some entrepreneurs." - Derek Collison
"CompuLab introduces fit-PC2 – the smallest, most power-efficient Intel Atom PC to date. fit-PC2 architecture is what sets it apart from other nettop PCs - fit-PC2 is designed around the Intel Atom Z530 1.6GHz and the ultra low power Intel US15W system controller hub, rather than the Atom N270 and 945G used in other nettop-PCs, thereby reducing power consumption by more than two thirds. US15W incorporates hardware video acceleration. This allows fit-PC2 to run Windows XP or Ubuntu Linux at just 6W and to play full HD 1080p H.264 video using less than 7W." - Derek Collison
I think this is what Joel is saying, but the Mac Mini is worth the premium, because you want things like a DVD player. I haven't measured the power draw, but they are playing up the "green" ( and say it idles at 13W. I'll put it on a meter and test what it draws while playing video from hdd. - DeWitt Clinton
Google’s Schmidt and Microsoft’s Mundie Appointed As Obama Tech Advisors -
Gawker - Hear Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz Drop the F-Bomb -
"There is so much to admire about Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz, who is giving the Web company a needed kick in the pants. But more than anything, it's her garbage tongue that we love. Listen." - Derek Collison
"no-one was fucking doing anything" lol. Love to hear that from a *female* CEO. :) - Meryn Stol
Stephen Hawking very ill in hospital -
"Leading scientist Stephen Hawking is "very ill" in hospital, his employer Cambridge University has said" - Derek Collison
Apple Patents - Video Chat for iPhone?
@herf You run out of quota?
Google Image Search Color Filter -
Google container data center tour -
Padraigs 830-metre par three! -
@jhuber Four Seasons is nice.. Fish Pond that the kids can swim in is cool..
@gharik Go straight C then.. ;)
Schmidt April Fool Cars 1986 & 2008 -
Glasses have gotten smaller, haven't they? - Amit Patel
Cars too. - Private Sanjeev
Tiger is amazing!
Mistrial by iPhone - Juries’ Web Research Upends Trials - -
"It might be called a Google mistrial. The use of BlackBerrys and iPhones by jurors gathering and sending out information about cases is wreaking havoc on trials around the country, upending deliberations and infuriating judges." - Derek Collison
@herf Thanks.. ;)
@dalmaer Interface Builder for the web..
Why We Don't Go to Tech Conferences -
"What if you threw a conference and everybody came, but no one paid attention? A New York Times event for Web developers drew a crowd who sat and Twittered instead of listening to the speaker." - Derek Collison
One of the commenters on Valleywag said "I find it deeply ironic that the New York Times, a media company that until recently hand-coded a lot of their website, is running a symposium on web development. Talk about the blind leading the sighted. " Which is sadly ignorant of them, because the team over at the NYTimes Open program ( and is doing cutting-edge work and setting an example for all to follow. - DeWitt Clinton
BBC NEWS | UK | Nuclear subs collide in Atlantic -
A Royal Navy nuclear submarine was involved in a collision with a French nuclear sub in the middle of the Atlantic, the MoD has confirmed. - Derek Collison
@vadimspivak You really like it? I always seem to enjoy being disconnected on flights.. ;)
@vadimspivak Hope you have a good time..
@herf I used vmware and installed on a plane in 10mins total..
Rumormonger: Intel's Secret Geekfest to Kill the iPhone -
2 big satellites collide 500 miles over Siberia -
"Two big communications satellites collided in the first-ever crash of two intact spacecraft in orbit, shooting out a pair of massive debris clouds and posing a slight risk to the international space station." - Derek Collison
Google PowerMeter Keeps You Lean and Green -
"Google wants to use open protocols and standards to give consumers a better understanding of how much electricity they use and is using social-networking-enabled software tools such as Google PowerMeter to bolster interest." - Derek Collison
Google Quick Search Box for Mac -