Google Quick Search Box for Mac -
@herf You at Long Beach I assume? I am at Palm Springs..
How memories form, fade, and persist over time - -
Cuil On BusinessWeek’s Most Successful of 2008 List. Huh? -
"BusinessWeek generally has intelligent coverage of startups. This time, they blew it. Cuil may yet live to see success, but 2008 was a bad, bad year for them and they had no place on this list." - Derek Collison
They were ranked by amount of VC funding: - Jim Norris
Air traffic in 24 hours.wmv -
Secret History of Silicon Valley -
@jpowell What ya doing there?
@shellen Run Picasa3 under fusion, that is the best IMO..
Is Einstein the Last Great Genius? | LiveScience -
"Major breakthroughs in science have historically been the province of individuals, not institutes. Galileo and Copernicus, Edison and Einstein, toiling away in lonely labs or pondering the cosmos in private studies. But in recent decades — especially since the Soviet success in launching the Sputnik satellite in 1957 — the trend has been to create massive institutions that foster more collaboration and garner big chunks of funding." - Derek Collison
Ajaxian » YQL - converting the web to JSON with mock SQL -
nib2cib: Use Interface Builder to design your Ajax apps -
@herf Buying or Selling?
I'm hating life more than I ever thought was possible..
I'm Fucking Matt Damon by Sarah Silverman -
@dalmaer this is new with 2.2, and yes, very annoying IMO
Google First Production Server @Computer History Museum -
Doodle 4 Google: Time lapse video of Google Doodle creation -
@dalmaer I knew Vadim would like that... :)
Ruby on Rails Comparisons (Phusion vs. Nginx/Mongrel) -
@herf What happened?
At SFO.. Heading east for the holiday.
@dalmaer I agree! I wish there was a setting to disable it..
@herf If you have an iPhone, try AroundMe..
@Werner I thought the kindle used cell technology?
Pictured: The robot that can pull faces just like a human being | Mail Online -