Farewell Google.. It has been a great ride!
Where to next? - Tudor Bosman
Joining up with Mark and Vadim.. - Derek Collison
@jpowell So you left Chicago.. ;)
YouTube Will Be Next To Kiss IE6 Support Goodbye - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Lance Armstrong recycles stardom - http://www.latimes.com/sports...
"It took only one move for Lance Armstrong to draw all eyes upon him and the Tour de France" - Derek Collison
Say what you want, he sure does make you want to try harder at things, doesn't he? - Derek Collison
Someone At Apple Has A Sense Of Humor - http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2009...
"When Erica Sadun ran a dump on the iPhone 3.0 OS, this little gem popped up: @interface UIViewController (UIViewControllerClassDumpWarning) 00010 - (void)attentionClassDumpUser:(id)fp8 yesItsUsAgain:(id)fp12 althoughSwizzlingAndOverridingPrivateMethodsIsFun:(id)fp16 itWasntMuchFunWhenYourAppStoppedWorking:(id)fp20 pleaseRefrainFromDoingSoInTheFutureOkayThanksBye:(id)fp24; 00011 @end" - Derek Collison
Nice, but MobileCrunch trying to claim that private methods are "secret apis" is pretty misleading - Nick Lothian
IBM Claims Breakthrough In Analysis of Encrypted Data - http://science.slashdot.org/story...
The 4-hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Add Custom Search to any site in two minutes - http://www.mattcutts.com/blog...
Google I/O 2009 - Advanced Techniques, AJAX API Playground - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I'm tempted to believe that intelligence is inversely proportional to coordination. Which would put me closer to the dumb end.
Amazing how many Googlers can't ride a bike..
Is Amazon Going to Open Source its Web Services and Cloud APIs? - http://ostatic.com/blog...
@rj0421 a bit embarrassed at my over the top geekout tweet.
Safari Nightly flies! and this is a godsend for me.. defaults write com.apple.SafariTargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true
RT @herf Bing Is Not Google?
Ben's talk on his Ajax Playground is standing room only.. Congrats Ben! #io2009
Google Wave announced.. #googleio
Google I/O 2009 Keynote, pt. 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @timoreilly: More than 4 billion API calls a day to Google web services says @vicgundotra at Google I/O. #io2009
I am happy to have been responsible for a few of those ... - Tom Horn
@dalmaer long live Sprinkes!
Ready for Google I/O #io2009
World's "Fastest" Small Web Server Released, Based On LISP - http://tech.slashdot.org/article...
@dalmaer I told him he needed to do one just yesterday.. ;)
The Extreme Google Brain - http://blog.fawny.org/2009...
"Some of these boys and men exhibit extreme-male-brain tendencies, including an ability to focus obsessively for long periods of time, often on inanimate objects or abstractions (hence male domination of engineering and high-end law). Paradoxically, other male brains in these exceptional cases may have an ability to experiment with many options for short periods each. Pejoratively diagnosed as attention-deficit disorder, Pinker provides evidence this latter ability is actually a strength for some entrepreneurs." - Derek Collison