RT @dhh What fascinates me the most about the iPad is the feeling that Apple is inventing the future. This just feels like a 2020 device.
Interested in Apple's big news today, should be interesting..
Whoa! FMAO.. Whose idea was this anyway?
Trip #3 to SFO today nearly complete.. Let the holiday season begin!
I am THE premiere shuttle service to SFO, trip 1 of 3 for today complete!
RT @ezmobius: redis+rabbitmq == peanutbutter+chocolate
Back in the states.. Good to be home..
Headed back over the pond.
Enjoying a late dinner for my last night in London.. Head home tomorrow am to red.. ;)
Was glad to be in low level messaging conversations.. Brings back the past.. Lots of fun..
@dalmaer congrats on the new addition! Bigger news than Palm.. ;)
Chrome Frame: Inject Chrome into IE - http://ajaxian.com/archive...
@dhh Jumping off? Could you explain?
@mombo Which one did you get?
What is Haiku? | Haiku Project - http://www.haiku-os.org/about
Snow Leopard update bricked my iMac. Reinstalling. #pissed
Been there. Painful. - Jeff
@herrod You might have too many gadgets.. ;)
@herf you really did a number on that foot!
@ev congrats!
Paying for lunch felt very strange..
The Incredible Shrinking Operating System - http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009...
OCZ to release 1TB SSD this month - http://www.computerworld.com/s...
Google Acquires Video Compression Technology Company On2 For $106 Million - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Enjoying my last free Red Bull at the Googleplex..
And then what? - Paul Buchheit
Good one Paul.. ;) - Derek Collison
Farewell Google, it has been a great ride..
Farewell Google.. It has been a great ride!
Where to next? - Tudor Bosman
Joining up with Mark and Vadim.. - Derek Collison
@jpowell So you left Chicago.. ;)