Edwin Khodabakchian

Entrepreneur and software developer. Feedly, Oracle, Collaxa and Netscape. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Evernote login issue [Investigating] - http://blog.feedly.com/2015...
Service unavailable [Work in progress] - http://blog.feedly.com/2015...
Milestone: 50,000 feedly pro users. Thank you! - http://blog.feedly.com/2015...
Feedly for Android: A material design exploration - http://blog.feedly.com/2015...
Introducing Power Search: It is Google for Stories. - http://blog.feedly.com/2015...
Open web pages in external browser – feedly for Android 25.0.4 – Beta - http://blog.feedly.com/2014...
Improving the readability of articles – version 25 is out - http://blog.feedly.com/2014...
Feedly for Android – version 25 is out - http://blog.feedly.com/2014...
Maintenance // Offline for 60 minutes - http://blog.feedly.com/2014...
RT @designersbooks: "Good designers are praised for their technique, great designers for their impact." — Tate Linden
RT @expa: Aspects of Design /@johnmaeda https://twitter.com/expa...
"The Most Effective Questions to Use When Interviewing Candidates" good read http://tomtunguz.com/job-int...
RT @om: Can we call today @peterfenton day? Also @sweetlew I was spot on the timing of your IPO. Now you owe me a drink - guava juice will do!
"DARPA funds $11 million tool that will make coding a lot easier" interesting http://www.engadget.com/2014...
"5 Skills You Must Acquire Before You Can Lead" good read http://www.entrepreneur.com/article...
Android hanging on splash [Investigating] - http://blog.feedly.com/2014...
RT @bgurley: More Startups Die of Indigestion Than Starvation. Focus Wins. Doing too many things fails.
RT @sacca: Don't lose track of your product's simplest purpose. Basics. Basics. Nail the basics.
RT @kevinmarks: The web isn't dying, but @fmanjoo describes the @nytimes site perfectly here http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014... https://twitter.com/kevinma...
RT @johnmaeda: Doing right matters more than being right.
RT @lukew: “The paradox is only a con­flict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.” — Richard Feynman
RT @dawnstarau: Impressively I think @feedly's internal search ability is now better than Google Readers ever was
"When It Comes to Market Leadership, Be the Gorilla" good read http://firstround.com/article...
"Why messaging apps are so addictive (Guest Post)" great book http://andrewchen.co/why-mes...
RT @ilan: Switched from ATT to T-mobile a few weeks ago, can’t believe how much of a scam ATT is. Double the price for half the features.. @JohnLegere
RT @ryan: @naval @AngelList don't thank me, you folks are the ones doing one doing all the hard work. Thank you!