"Damn...the...Gods! Release the Kraken!" Wow, new Clash of the Titans trailer looks fun. And Iron Man 2 trailer on same day to boot.
I loved that movie as a kid (Clash, I mean). - Joel Webber
My GWT 2.0 blog post spawned an interesting thread on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r...
As you can probably now see, I couldn't help wading in. Of course, I have no idea if anyone reads reddit comments a day later... - Joel Webber
Avatar reviews are starting to trickle in: "Well, fuuuuuuck!Sorry. But I am trying to communicate how I felt walking out of Avatar… and that is the thing that stuck in my head.The next thing was that the film will be the second highest grossing film of all time, following only Titanic. I am estimating $450 million domestic and more than $750...
@wpbasti Inshort,transitive dependency management (which many scripting languages have) is not the same as performing control flow analysis
@wpbasti GWT splitsby examining callgraphs w/o metadata. qoodoox code is already split on disk and requires metadata (e.g. require)
HTML5 video/audio seems woefully underspecified to take on flash and replace other plugins. No streaming support (live broadcast), recently introduced capture APIs design for mobile and incapable of allowing incremental JS processing. You still can't do what you've been able to do in Java or Flash with media for the last decade. Even simple peer...
Ick, nambu iPhone client doesn't insert spaces sometimes when it wraps it appears - Ray Cromwell
However, there is talk of having a <video> viewfinder, which would allow JS processing at least. - Nick Lothian
Waiting in line with kids to get them H1N1 shots
Speedtracer's source contains a complete GWT API + Linker for writing Chrome extensions: http://code.google.com/p...
Looks like it's got most of the Chrome API mapped, plus generators for manifests, and linkers to produce the CRX. SpeedTracer's starting point appears to it BackgroundPage. Yummy. - Ray Cromwell
So very, very cool. I think I might port our stuff over to it and get rid of the manually-coded background pages. - Matt M (inactive)
@luckfamousa What's cumbersome about it? How is it worse than Hosted Mode in prior versions?
@wpbasti @jgw qooxdoo looks like code combining, not code splitting. The split of the core libraries had to be done manually up front
GWT's amazing new performance profiler: http://www.youtube.com/watch...
GWT 2.0: So good it's ridiculous - http://timepedia.blogspot.com/2009...
My take on the significance of the 2.0 release, with some detailed coverage of features that went under the radar. - Ray Cromwell
Mm goodness. Starting my first real GWT project in the new year & looking forward to all this. - Nick Lothian
GWT Exporter 2.09 released - http://timepedia.blogspot.com/2009...
Now with overloading support, GWT 2.0 code splitting, $entry wrapping, and preliminary code for structural typing. - Ray Cromwell
Estrogen Powered Nunchaku Mastery http://www.liveleak.com/view...
I think if someone started doing this in front of you, you'd back off, regardless of whether you though it was ineffective. :) - Ray Cromwell
@dewitt Awesome, I always though OID + AX could be foundation of lightweight federated social network, either AX or WebFinger.
Both together, yes. - DeWitt Clinton
Tried to empty an old bottle of Apple cider into sink and it exploded like a rocket on me, spraying everything with fermented juice :(
Musing Obama's surge speech, regardless of whether you agree with it or not, this puzzles me:: The 'surge' proposal is supposed to give 'breathing room' for a political solution/training local army. Critics say "enemy will just lie low and wait for us to leave if we announce timetable." Wouldn't that give breathing room then?
That is, guerrilla war already is "lying low", if announcing a time table causes them to stop attacking for 2 years until we leave, that would seem brilliant. Two years of lower violence to stabilize government from simply announcing when we leave. If the Taliban simply stand by for 2-3 years while the government is built up on the theory they'll strike back once we leave, it seems they're taking a big risk letting their opponent have a 2-3 year ride with no counter attacks. Thus the McCain/Cheney "announcing timetable will embolden them or they'll just lie low until we leave" criticism seems weirdly contradictory. - Ray Cromwell
Great point, Ray. Never thought of that before. - Bruce Johnson
I just heard Robert Gates make the same point in Congress, in response to McCain making that same tired assertion. He said something like "Wouldn't it would be *great* if the Taleban would like low for a year or two and stop blowing people up?". - Joel Webber
Ha, maybe I should offer my services to the Obama administration. :) - Ray Cromwell
Star Wars opening sequence done using nothing more than CSS: http://www.gesteves.com/experim...
The Greatest American Hero: Now on Hulu (http://www.hulu.com/the-gre...)
Damn you. Now I have that awful theme song stuck in my head... - Joel Webber
WebSID: HTML5 Audio + GWT 2.0 -> Commodore 64 emulator SID music playback on Safari 4 (http://cromwellian.appspot.com/websid...)
Note, I tried it with web workers and other optimizations (window.btoa for base64 encoding), still too slow. It needs a lot of optimization work, and surprisingly, Chrome is slower than Safari 4. - Ray Cromwell
Things seemed better when the HTML5 spec was a giant dumping ground for in-progress stuff. After they decided to move lots of stuff to separate specs, those seem updated less. - Ray Cromwell
Chrome <audio> doesn't support audio/wave PCM format, FF3.5 and Safari 4 do. PCM is practically a "no-op" codec, comeon!
That seems like kind of an odd oversight. Although it's a pretty inefficient format. Perhaps it would be useful for playing waveforms generated via data: urls on the client. Hey, wouldn't it be better to just allow js to pass byte buffers into it? - Joel Webber
Yes, I'd prefer that video/audio supported the same as Canvas, that is, the ability to get data out, modify it, and pass data back, but currently, PCM data uris are the only way. - Ray Cromwell
http://code.google.com/p... my friend. crbug.com if you are into the whole brevity thing. - James Robinson
Surprised that browsers weren't already using native hardware acceleration through DirectX/OpenGL.
Yeah, me too. While I applaud everyone's interest in making browsers "automagically faster", it's still a seriously ugly problem to figure out *which* patterns are accelerated, and which aren't. The best I've been able to do is to dig through the WebKit source to figure out which elements end up with their own layers in the compositor, but it's black magic at best. We need more direct control and less "magic". - Joel Webber
The Traveling Salesman Problem and Javascript Compression: http://timepedia.blogspot.com/2009...
The Traveling Salesman Problem and Javascript Compression - http://timepedia.blogspot.com/2009...
I started porting the 7zip C++ code a few months back, but it was pretty slow going. It's some of the worst code I've had to parse. Had to give up eventually- it was easier just to exec() the native ones. - Matt M (inactive)
Have you seen http://code.google.com/p... ? Is LZF the same thing? It's EPL licence, which might be ok? - Nick Lothian
@cwilso Chrome OS video said it makes the computer stateless not 'the system'. And that's true, except for cookies/cache/html5 storage.
The Semantic Discovery Toolkit (http://code.google.com/p...) has a nice Generalized Suffix Tree implementation.
You can never find a good Ukkonen Generalized Suffix Tree with Lowest Common Ancestor implementation when you need one. (hmm, biojava.org seems to have one, but it's LGPL :( )
Preliminary tests of a new metric for my JS Clustering compression produce non-trivial improvements, blog article soon.
Parallels sucks. I just boosted a fresh Ubuntu image and forgot about. 1 hour later, it crashes for no apparent reason(Parallels, not Linux)
Why you don't use Fusion? We use a lot it also with multiple machine opened at the same time on our MacBook Pro. Sometime we just stop the OS without suspending the VM and after that everything is still working fine...Fusion is really a great product. - Alan Lugiai
Yes, they both use the VT-x stuff, but I think the crashes might come in some of the virtual device driver stuff, e.g. mapping gfx calls to OSX. This was definitely the case with 3d support. - Ray Cromwell
"The Internet has finally paid off. I may have harbored doubts, but deep down, I knew it was all leading to something." -- Reddit comment on the Miss Universe sex-tape.