Ken Stewart | ChangeForge

Challenging conventional paradigms with lots of innovation and a dash of common sense:
Teleworking Truth #21: Paranoid? Just because the green light isn't on doesn't mean they can't see you. #IheartNSA thx @LabiadHicham
Software Sales Accelerator Introduction (Part 2 of 2) -
Software Sales Accelerator Intro (Part 2 of 2) -
Software Sales Accelerator Introduction (Part 1 of 2) -
Software Sales Accelerator Introduction -
Re: What I Learned From Growing My Email List 3,418% (Nearly 200k) in Just 11 Days -
"Josh, excellent post. I appreciate the candor and tactical walk-through. I really enjoyed the advice, and especially tips on what not to do." - Ken Stewart | ChangeForge
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Featuring Ken Stewart) -
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (featuring Melissa and Mazey Stewart) -
Teleworking Truth #9: Kids and work-at-home parents have exactly the opposite reaction when it’s time to go back to school.
Teleworking Truth #8: For teleworkers, a victory lap usually means spinning around in your office chair.
Teleworking Truth #7: Suck it up, cupcake—pointless meetings are just a reality no matter where you work.
Teleworking Truth #6: Do you really miss the coffee at the office? Really?
Teleworking Truth #5: Mute is your friend: Don't take us to the bathroom with you.
Teleworking Truth #4: Getting stuck in traffic is no longer a valid excuse, but the dog eating your homework might actually work, now.
Teleworking Truth #3: Not wearing pants is an option. Telling me about it is not.
Trust is a heartbeat, not a drumbeat.
BlackBerry launches square smartphone me: Printers have been square for years and look how well they've done!
Teleworking Truth #2: Remember, the little, green light means your webcam is on.
IBM's Quest to Make Selling Chocolate Seem Difficult Choice article by @valleyhack
IT Concerns Over Ransomware Increasing featuring @StuAllard via @thevarguy
Supreme Court to Police on Cell Phone Searches: Get a Warrant by @zdfyrashid via @pcmag
Teleworking Truth #1: Camouflage cargo pants covers coffee spills the best.
Who says MPS has to be actively managed?
"Transformation often occurs when we simultaneously embrace things that often look like opposites." - Ben Saltzman
Disturbing Truth About How Big Food Companies Exploit Your Shopping Habits
Four Tips to Achieving Work Life Balance for Teleworkers -
National Security Agency or No Safe Airwaves? NSA caught over-reaching again!
Google receiving take down requests after 'right to be forgotten' ruling via @V3_co_UK
Are you an ANT, a SHARK or a TIGER? Find out more in my Transform Global 2014 session by @Photizo_Group