Ken Stewart | ChangeForge

Challenging conventional paradigms with lots of innovation and a dash of common sense:
MPS Verticals: What's Hot or Not in Western Europe (infographic)
Net Neutrality Company Sign on Letter
Courage is best seen when you are most vulnerable.
Army or Air Force vets seeking seed funding for startup? Interesting contest by @s88security to award $5000 to winning vet...
"Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom." - Merry Browne
Microsoft loses $45m on Surface tablet sales... "Eh, we'll make it up in volume." via @V3_co_UK
Re: And They Said I Was Stupid – A Thought from 21,400 Feet in the Air -
"I've very much enjoyed getting to know more about everyone here. Quite savvy, Pat! I've got lots of fun little tidbits in my life, as I'm sure most everyone here does (People are so very interesting!). I could tell you about how I'm a former Marine who can hit a man-sized target at 500 yards with a rifle 9/10 times in a 30 knot winds and also managed the Marine Corps network in San Diego. Think about me showing up to fix your computer with my sunny disposition! Or, I could tell you that I play guitar, took several years of Aikido, and collect Star Wars Legos (boy those images just don't go together do they?) But my favorite story to tell is how I met my wife. Let's just say it all started with a phone call, a garage band video, a former best friend's betrayal, and a high speed car wreck... 19 years later we are celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary... on May 4th! The best part is I am married to the love of my life and have been blessed with a beautiful little girl who is the light..." - Ken Stewart | ChangeForge
Five Choices Leaders Make to Stay Focused with thanks 2 @LeadershipFreak 4 the inspiration
Net Neutrality KIA? What do you think? Good or bad?
Prayers, Devotions, and Meditations — OH MY! -
Re: How to Land Your Emails in the Gmail “Primary” Tab Every Time -
"Michael/Luke, I use the web interface for Gmail. Michael, from my own (non-scientific) observations, I believe you are correct. I have noticed that over time if my reading habits begin to gravitate away from a certain blogger/author, the emails start fading to the promotions or even spam folder. I think there is some categorization based on content and format (and probably sender reputation), but it must have some portion of weighting based on my own preferences. BTW, I was able to set certain subjects and senders to appear on a specific tab, much like using a rule. This is of course, personal preference, so I don't know that I would expect a reader to go through this hassle unless they are highly engaged and loyal. Just for what it's worth from one man's observations." - Ken Stewart | ChangeForge
Working-at-Home a Win-Win for Employers and Employees via @CIOmagazine
People work for profit, but win with purpose!
Customers are tolerant of closed ecosystems UNITL it gets in the way of their experience. #heed
FLIP it! @Photizo_Group is flipping the business upside down to serve our clients with purpose!
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the presence of faith... quote adapted from FDR. Take heart if you are discouraged, my friends!
Re: 6 Key Workflow Automation Steps | Articles | Document Media -
"Great story, Tom. The first two resonate with me, especially. All are certainly valuable, but I suppose I see the most effort being expended on really mapping and conditioning the processes. So I latched on to those points very quickly." - Ken Stewart | ChangeForge
Re: 3 Time Management Tools to Stay Focused -
"Thanks for the tip, Mary. I'll have to check this out. I've been using a Mac for some time now, and one thing I've found about Basecamp is that there doesn't seem to be a good Mac time tracking widget. We used to use Basecamp religiously in an IT group I managed, and the Windows version was wonderful. I think you may have given me something new to go and review! Keep in touch and let me know how you fair with this. I'm building out a resource page, and would love to include useful tools and other resources for good folks like yourself." - Ken Stewart | ChangeForge
Re: Shed the Stress of Scope Creep -
"Bren, it sure sounds like you have a challenging role. I have to imagine this "ready, fire, aim" mentality has to be very frustrating. Do you feel like the issue has to do more with the client or with your managers? In other words, do you think a lot of the message is lost in translation, as it were? I wonder if you have the opportunity to reach out to your clients directly? Is this overstepping your imposed boundaries?" - Ken Stewart | ChangeForge
How (NOT) to Gather Customer Feedback that Instigates Positive Change -
Greatest Exit Memo Ever! by ousted Groupon CEO. Andrew Mason is a class act!
Are Millennials a “Lost Generation”? (video)
What’s Missing in Your Business? Take a Walk in Your Customer’s Shoes via @photizo_group
Is US Economy Worse Than the Data Shows