Hutch Carpenter

Senior Consultant for HYPE Innovation ( Father of two young 'uns who misses running marathons. San Francisco, CA.
And yet another day where 'Taco Bell' is on Twitter's trending topics. What is their secret sauce for social media? cc: @TacoBell
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic > Excellent, detailed piece on the legacy of slavery and racism
Google is trialing a tablet with a 3D camera > Maybe one day: use image for 3D printing? cc: @imaterialise
Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #7: > Love the celebrities reading these on Jimmy Kimmel.
#cxotalk How does @jeanettehoran think about third party vendors working with IBM's various technologies?
#cxotalk @jeanettehoran talks about IBM's kickstarter-like campaign: employees decide which ideas to fund. cc: @eric_andersen #crowdsourcing
#cxotalk @jeanettehoran talks about value of IBM Connections for sharing amongst the 100s of thousands of employees. #socbiz
RT @dahowlett: Currently experiencing a brainfart. Hopefully normal service will resume shortly. > Give it a hard reboot.
Inspiring kids in the Bay Area. Vote @hackthehood in the #GoogleImpactChallenge at
RT @alanlepo Finishing work w/ large ad agency on file sharing. Auditing/tracking, time-limit controls critical to them. > Time limit?
Are we moving towards integrated software for innovation mgt? @Paul4innovating > SAP moving into space? @sameerpatel
RT @JohnWLewis: Transcript of today's #innochat on gamification is attached to the end of the framing post: #GWC14
RT @MeganMurray @bhc3 I think it would if most agreed on the why. Inside org, that’s not common #socbizchat >Start small w/ clear objective?
RT @cmswire: Nice to see you @bhc3 - and good point #SocBizChat > Thanks! Just came off #innochat the last hour, saw this one underway.
A1: Does the notion of purposeful use of 'social' get closer to the answering the ROI question? #socbizchat
Thanks all for participating in today's #innochat on gamification. Love the energy and velocity today. Thanks @DrewCM for moderating.
RT @InnovationFixer A4 what is aftermath of the game? Broken bodies or a more motivated workforce? #innochat > Not if you offer variety.
RT @DrewCM: @Renee_Hopkins Oh "extrinsifies" is precious #innochat
I look at the Achievement type of gamification as addressing intrinsic motivation. Maybe Recognition too? #innochat @adhansen @_Mike_Sweet
A4: Start with desired outcomes, understand culture of your community and plan gamification that helps, doesn't hinder. #innochat
RT @InnovationFixer: Or on output. RT @Renee_Hopkins: A4 Risk of splitting focus - too much focus on game, not enough on process. #innochat
A4: I saw case where an org promised a limited # of gift certs for 'most active' contributors. Result? Lots of garbage submitted. #innochat
A4: Gamification negatives: mismatching gamification type to community culture. E.g. competition may demolish participation. #innochat
A3: Powerful elements of gamification for fostering collab: Recognition + highlighting great comments. No cost, high impact. #innochat
A3: I'd apply gamification to prompt collaboration as much as ideation. Ideation = 'star' of innovation. But need diverse feedback #innochat
RT @JohnWLewis: @adhansen @bhc3 @ibogost 2/2 … Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. [Possibly (not) Sun Tzu] #innochat
RT @skap5 I wonder about explosion of contests & competitions to enable & accelerate innovation. #innochat > Great in moderation, not excess
A3: My magic wand app of gamification: tying innovation to a mission, with a series of gamification techniques integrated into it. #innochat
A2: @skap5 hit on a great case for gamification beyond points/badges: missions. Wonderful way to energize teams, achievement. #innochat
A2: I think of gamification in 4 categories: Achievement, Recognition, Competition, Valuables. > First 2 are best for long-term. #innochat
RT @pulvereyes: A2: False. Those can be carrots or sticks, but it's about motivating productive behaviors towards personal, team or org goals #innochat