Hutch Carpenter

Senior Consultant for HYPE Innovation ( Father of two young 'uns who misses running marathons. San Francisco, CA.
A2 'Context for collaboration' => Walk in customers' shoes. It's #jtbd focused. E.g. NetFlix better at #jtbd than Blockbuster. #innochat
RT @CreativeSage: We're talking about strategic collaborative #innovation here at #innochat > #socbiz types welcome too.
A1 Capacity for collaboration behaviors: (i) Cross-unit knowledge sharing (ii) Cross-org praise (iii) Ad hoc team formation. #innochat
Hey innocats. Hutch Carpenter, Senior Consultant with @hypeinnovation here. #innochat
Pope Francis (@Pontifex) has a Klout score of 89. #TheMoreYouKnow
Innovation execs, like #socbiz execs, can feel like Lone Wolves. @Colin_at_HYPE provides 6 concrete tips to fix this
Innovation platforms in 2014 by @gigaomresearch > Spigit & Hype are the suppliers best aligned with market forces
Click to unsubscribe from spam, get this message: "You will be removed from emails within 10 days." Seriously? 10 days? #CarrierPigeon
Via @hunterwalk, discovered @Curbside ( Find/buy items, pick them up in-store. Great #jtbd
Smart advice from Fidelity's Rick Smyers on when to crowdsource employee ideas: Sponsor has real need, is not just an Innovation Cheerleader
#innochat Conversations are munging 2 concepts. "Innovators" as creators of something new. "Innovators" as initial tryers of something new.
A4: Innovators provide first cut on what's good, what's not w/ a new thing, useful for Early Adopters. E.g. @scobleizer does this #innochat
MT @blogbrevity A3 Info that's most useful to innovators is honest feedback - especially from early adopters. #innochat > Other way around?
RT @cdn: Early adopters like PLAYING with new toys. Innovators like to EXPERIMENT/IMPROVE #Innochat cc: @skap5 > Isn't it other way around?
A3: Information to get those Innovators to try something new: (i) that it exists; (ii) key characteristics vs. status quo. #innochat
#scnow: Are Opinion Leaders advocates for the ESN? Or are they people who can see some value and need to be coaxed to become advocates?
A2: Possessing tendency to overrate the possibility of new things is hugely valuable. It gets new things exposed out in the wild. #innochat
A2: Innovators maintain a persistently high level of the Possibility Effect: they overrate the potential of a new thing. #innochat
MT @Renee_Hopkins: A1. Do any of my friends have it yet? #innochat > Not sure Innovators care about friends having it yet.
A1 Innovators criteria to try new thing: (i) my realm of interest; (ii) something new not in market; (iii) feasible it helps #jtbd #innochat
Hey there #innochat cats. Hutch Carpenter with @hypeinnovation here. Let's talk Innovators.
RT @JohnWLewis: #innochat in less than 5 mins. Framing post is:
RT @jorgebarba Google's Strategy vs. Glass's Potential > Great potential in enterprise apps. Go enterprise Google.
RT @DrMayaAngelou: Until you love a thing you will never be your best. You may back into it, but until you love it you will never be your best.
Good concepts in @OpenIdeo's Recycling Challenge: > Note apps get most votes. My concern: outside #jtbd flow of waste
MT @chieftech Lots of examples today of orgs using videos to launch their social #intranets #collective2014 > See w/ innovation programs too
SF typical: Outside my house I hear sounds of a musical horn, getting louder. It's coming from a cab. Cabbie's playing a trumpet, driving...
RT @chirag_mehta: To all the product people out there:
Godzilla. #BigLizard (@ Century 20 Daly City - @cinemark for Godzilla (2014) w/ 7 others)
And yet another day where 'Taco Bell' is on Twitter's trending topics. What is their secret sauce for social media? cc: @TacoBell
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic > Excellent, detailed piece on the legacy of slavery and racism