Hutch Carpenter

Senior Consultant for HYPE Innovation ( Father of two young 'uns who misses running marathons. San Francisco, CA.
A1 In other words, it's not so much technology-pushed invention. It's need-based innovation. #innochat
A1 From my @hypeinnovation perch, we focus a lot on innovation that starts with a need. Campaign questions reflect gaps or opps. #innochat
Hey there innocats. Hutch Carpenter with @hypeinnovation here. #innochat
RT @JohnWLewis: #innochat today @DrewCM tackles *the* innovation issue: its value. Join us at noonET, 5pmUK.
Attending @jivesoftware's New York user group event. This time sans...
Imagine: Your company has ideas affecting customers' experience, #jtbd. Would you let them review those ideas?
Reports of the Tea Party's death are greatly exaggerated, it would seem.
RT @mstribling: 5 keys to unlock success in enterprise social collaboration #esn @philww
RT @moehlert: Good read, makes me wish we could drop "gamification' as title > The gamification framework for business innovation
Bring customers into the idea review process -
RT @oregonpjt Tim McGraw rocking Oregon Project top last night > Nike OP is elite running. Cool that McGraw is a fan.
Would if customer's evaluated your company's ideas? > Imagine you wanted their take on ideas. How would that work?
Another fantastic #24LAD tonight. Better than most action films.
. @HelloBC BC is beautiful! Alas, no BC opportunities on this trip to the East Coast.
RT @hollybrocks: Every company needs this quote from Pixar's 'Creativity, Inc'
Early morning flight to Boston. Off to @jivesoftware user group event later today, at Sam...
One thing you learn when you work from home regularly. There are a lot of telemarketing calls that occur during weekdays. Had no idea.
RT @CIA: We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet.
Had to run some smack against one of my German @hypeinnovation colleagues about USA vs. Germany in Group G #WorldCup2014 > US has a chance?
Coca-Cola Invents 16 Crazy Caps to Turn Empty Bottles Into Useful Objects > Check 'em out, very cool idea @CocaCola
RT @michael_keen: Customer Centricity and Growth >gr8 post @wbendle #CxO
Klout perk email: "Because of your influence within the pet community" <searches tweets/FB posts for pet references> ... <um...OK>
A5 Culture for innovating effectively: 1. Focus (Coherence) 2. Mission (Context) 3. Trust & belief in others (Capacity) #innochat
A4 When monitoring changes, don't sweat the Enthusiasts in Diffusion curve. Worry when Early Adopters start taking up new thing. #innochat
A4 In Complex world, stick with Context (#jtbd), Coherence (distinct path). But closely monitor shifts - esp. disruptive - in mkt. #innochat
RT @SarahCaldicott: @JohnWLewis A3 Yes...large org'ns have mutiple micro-cultures. Tough to align these when shifting course. #innochat
RT @SarahCaldicott: A3 Coherence is advanced when catalysts are present - people w expertise who r collegial, inspired, positive. #innochat
A3 Context is focused on #jtbd, Coherence is setting path to deliver best solution. Develop a 'distinct' innovation path. #innochat
MT @JohnWLewis @bhc3 Agree on customers. Also about "winning in your own way" #innochat > Start w/ #jtbd, then offer your distinct solution
A2 'Context for collaboration' => Walk in customers' shoes. It's #jtbd focused. E.g. NetFlix better at #jtbd than Blockbuster. #innochat
RT @CreativeSage: We're talking about strategic collaborative #innovation here at #innochat > #socbiz types welcome too.