
Because I care.
Recently listened to Flobots – There's A War Going On For Your Mind http://www.last.fm/music...
Recently listened to Robert Davies – Iridescent Reflections http://www.last.fm/music...
@dUbiAsIti: I love FSOL too. And if they don't fit a mood, they usually adjust that mood for the better.
Recently listened to Return To The Source – Deepak Ram - Between Thoughts http://www.last.fm/music...
Recently listened to The Future Sound of London – We Have Explosive (Oil Funk Remix) http://www.last.fm/music...
sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio ; killall pulseaudio ; sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio ; sudo apt-get install esound
Recently listened to Sync24 – mBorg http://www.last.fm/music...
TwittBot has launched - http://twittbot.com/
TwittBot is a service that allows multiple people to publish to a single Twitter account, and for a single person to post to multiple Twitter accounts. Bots can be marked as “open” (anyone can post to the bot) or “closed” (only a select list can post the group). - abacab
This could be useful for companies who are using Twitter as a way to promote their business. - Mathew™ aka Youngblood
Wasn't there a service like this called GroupTwitter or something? Didn't it have major security issues? - Lindsay
confession room, maybe? - Josh Haley
I think I'm switching back to a desktop app for feeds. I like Reader, but honestly, I'm almost always connected anyway, so it doesn't really matter if it's a browser-based reader or not. Now, which app....
And of course I meant -Google- Reader. - abacab
@z0x1c: Tag Reading System and related stuff for our oldest. We can't go to any store that has 'em and not stop and play with one, so.... :)
Intact. I know you wanted to know. ;)
Of course, I've not opened it yet. Could be in a million pieces. :P
Amazon package came today. So much for that 8-days crap-guess on their website. It only took two and a half. Our kids thank you, Amazon. ;)
Apparently can't associate existing randomly-named Read It Later FFox plugin account with deliberately-named account. Can sync between them, but I don't want to have two accts hanging out there. Hrm.
@WaKiApps: thank you. ;)
Wait, Betsy Devine not only carefully (& confoundingly) maintains Winer's wikipedia entry, but also maintains--and ~solely defends--her own?
The word "whiskerdoodle" from the previous tweet has been brought to you by the makers of Purina Kitten Chow. Buy some for your kitty today!
Cat, if you knock over the Christmas tree one more time.... pow, right in your cute little whiskerdoodle. I mean it---scoot! Silly cat...
Gee. Blocked by Mona? No idea why, or for how long now. If I had to guess, I'd say it's because we're apparently on polar-opposite ends of the Winer train. Dave Wins?
It's not altering my FriendFeed experience, at all; I'm just naturally curious. I know damn well I rub some people the wrong way. Some people just can't or won't take it, for whatever reason(s). So it goes. imo, if you're always pleasing everyone, as life goes, you're probably Doing It Wrong(tm). - abacab
I have been on here long enough to know this already, but I don't. Go figure. How do you tell you are blocked? Just wondering, really. - Eban Crawford
You get a message like this when logged into your account: "[user name here] has not yet accepted your subscription request." Logged into a different account, or not logged in at all, you can otherwise access their content just fine. - abacab
Oh OK, thanks. - Eban Crawford
Recently listened to Pixies – Vamos http://www.last.fm/music...
Andy Summers & Robert Fripp – Under Bridges of Silence - http://www.last.fm/music...
Recently listened to Andy Summers & Robert Fripp – Hardy Country http://www.last.fm/music...
Recently listened to Led Zeppelin – I Cant Quit You Baby http://www.last.fm/music...
Biosphere – Poa Alpina - http://www.last.fm/music...
Google Reader, why? Couldn't you just pull the damn themes over from Gmail instead?
@krynsky Might just be CC's Last Hurrah before they fold altogether...?
It's... funny all these celebs jumping onto twitter now. Couldn't they have always just published a phone number/IM handle/email address?
Vince Guaraldi, with some cowbell and a little Chris Walken... - http://www.morecowbell.dj/listen...
Needs (lots) more Walken... - abacab
The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Sifter's gone live - http://sifterapp.com/
@seedoflife: I'm sure the jar will be back; this recession won't last forever. ;)