it's far too early, y'all. ick.
But, I'm up and dressed and waiting for coworker's arrival so we can drive to Macon. Sadly, I won't be seeing LB or Soup whilst there. - ellbeecee
Safe travels regardless! - Ell Bee, See?
made it with plenty of time. would have liked a Starbucks nearby, but alas, no such luck. - ellbeecee
Sorry! :( We have a Jittery Joe's just off our campus, but I have no idea what's over that way. - Ell Bee, See?
they gave us coffee. I'm waking up, after driving 90 minutes :) - ellbeecee
the fact that there's Jittery Joe's in Macon makes me happy. have a safe trip! - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
So, we may have left Macon at about 10 'til 4 this afternoon. I may be home now, and have been here long enough to change clothes and put dinner in the oven. Me, drive fast? Nope. Not a chance, I swear. I was just keeping up with the flow of traffic, officer. - ellbeecee
I must drive like you do. - Ell Bee, See?