Stolen from Facebook, because this is how customer service is done here in Europe. Act like a jerk to a shop clerk…
As it should be. Treat people how you'd like to be treated. Why is that so hard to understand? - CAJ was here
An awful lot of posts on are about customers being awful as they scream The Customer's Always Right, or You're Fired. - bentley
I've called the customer a jerk while waiting in line. I know the clerk can't do it. - Gabrielle
The customer is always right for about 3 months after paying with a credit card. And your business can be hit with chargeback penalty fees if you try to disagree with that. After that 3 month grace period, feel free to let them know when they are actually wrong. And if you are really good at being tactful about it, they will politely thank you for it. ;) #ThingsLearnedFromMyJob - April Russo (FForever!)