I think it's because I'm a Paul McCartney fan, but I get a bit miffed when others bad mouth his decisions, like last night when he performed at the Olympics. Those who claim to be Macca fans are trashing him. Yeah, you don't have to kike everything a performer does, but why trash them for it? Maybe it's just me.
You don't have to what? ;) - Akiva
You heard her. ;P - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
LOL. The first time I read that I didn't even realize it probably was a typo. - Eivind
Akiva and Jimminy made me snort. - Stephen Mack
There's a Kikestarter project for that. - Micah
kike all the things! - Laura Norvig
OMG, it was a typo and I just noticed it now. It's "like" not "kike" *embarrassed look* - Molly Song ;)
It's all right. At least you didn't typo 'jigger'. - Akiva
Thanks, Akiva. :) *lol* - Molly Song ;)