I'm really excited to join Prof. Carlo Maley's lab http://maleylab.surgery.ucsf.edu/ in the Center for Evolution and Cancer http://cancer.ucsf.edu/evoluti... in the UCSF Medical Center at Mt. Zion http://mountzion.ucsfmedicalcenter.org/ as a research specialist on Monday.
Congratulations! - imabonehead
We'll be researching how precancerous cells progress to cancer, and how cancer develops resistance to chemotherapy, leading to difficult-to-treat relapses. - Ruchira S. Datta
imabonehead, thanks so much! :-) - Ruchira S. Datta
Wow, you guys are quick. I posted on Google+ first, but still haven't gotten any response, whereas here I have 4 likes and 1 comment. FriendFeed lives! :-) - Ruchira S. Datta
Congrats, Ruchira. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Thanks, Jimminy! :-) - Ruchira S. Datta
Ruchira, well that definitely tells you something about FriendFeed versus Google+ :D - imabonehead
Congrats! - Anne Bouey
Very cool; congratulations! - Jenny
Thanks, Anne and Jenny! - Ruchira S. Datta
Congrats! - Spidra Webster
Congratulations, Ruchira! - Victor Ganata
Thanks, Spidra and Victor! imabonehead, at this point I have 9 likes here, and still the only response I have on Google+ is a +1 from Anne. - Ruchira S. Datta
That +1 actually came before I saw it here. - Anne Bouey
Thanks, Anne! Now chaz2b has +1ed it there too (thanks!), and I have another +1 from my friend Monica Anderson--the first response on Google+ that isn't also here. Interesting and somewhat surprising. - Ruchira S. Datta
thank you for sharing this great news with us, :) - chaz2b