Anti-vaccination update: How the measles crisis struck Disneyland - LA Times -
"This looks like another artifact of the rise of the anti-vaccination movement. The Disneyland cases undermine the anti-vaccination argument that leaving children unimmunized affects only those who haven't received shots. They show how a single unimmunized carrier can spread disease into the larger population, especially individuals who can't be vaccinated because of age. As my colleague Emily Foxhall reported, the Department of Public Health believes that a single unimmunized visitor to Disneyland or the adjacent California Adventure Park in Anaheim from Dec. 15 to Dec. 20 was the source of the latest outbreak. The infection then spread to patients in Pasadena, the counties of Alameda, Orange, Riverside and San Diego, and Utah, affecting children as young as 8 months. Of the victims, one had received the standard two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine. Two San Diego county siblings who were exposed at Disney may have later spread measles to people who were at the Parkway Plaza Mall in El Cajon on Dec. 29, the CDPH says." - Steve C, Team Marina
"As the public health agency observes, measles was judged to be eliminated in the United States in 2000. But recent outbreaks in Europe, Pakistan, Vietnam and the Philippines can be brought to the U.S. by unvaccinated travelers. "Disney and other theme parks in California are international attractions and visitors come from many parts of the world, including those where measles is endemic," the CDPH says. Obviously, Disney isn't at fault in this outbreak--heedless parents leaving their children unvaccinated are. " - Steve C, Team Marina