点完like,正在想怎么这么早吃午饭还没叫我...发现是个梦。下次你去吃菠萝油条虾,我给你念诗哈。 - 虾大脸仁儿
ls我好久木有给你念诗了啊…… - Cokky
那你酝酿一下今天念一首唄 - 潘纽约
念了又不会shi - 骨古头坏死
支持传语音 - 麦克.疯
也要粤语版本的好吗? - Wen
re,虾仁请用粤语练习下《致我最爱的十七岁高中女生》这首诗,下次我要听哈... - 文一
大家都要听 - Paul
太神经了,要我先把一首英文诗翻译成中文,再用粤语念出来... 而且这个诗ms是诗主写给他女儿的。 - 虾大脸仁儿
不管什么语,大家都要听 - day7th
翻译在此:你知道吗?如果你从出生那天 就开始建帕提农神庙, 你还一年就可以完工了。 当然,你自己是完成不了这样的任务的。 所以没关系, 你只要做好你自己就好。 会有人爱这样的你。 但是你知道吗?像你这么大的时候, 茱蒂•加兰拍一张照片就可以赚15万美元; 圣女贞德正带领法国大军向胜利进发; 布莱士•帕斯卡已经打扫了他的房间, 不,我是说发明了计算器。 当然,你以后也有时间 做这些, 当你踏出房门, 开始绽放, 或者至少把你的袜子捡起来。 某些原因总让我想起 英国的简·格雷夫人, 在她15岁时便当上了女王。 但是她最终还是被砍了头,所以不要以她为榜样吧。 几世纪后, 当他像你这么大的时候, 舒伯特就帮家里洗碗。 即使是这样,他年轻的时候便 谱写了两部交响乐,四部歌剧 和两部完整的弥撒曲。 当然,那是在奥地利, 在浪漫主义抒情体的巅峰, 不是我们现在所在的克利夫兰郊区。说真的,谁会在乎 安妮•奥克利15岁时就是神枪手, 玛丽亚•卡拉斯17岁时便首次献唱托斯卡? 我们认为你就是你,你是特别的。 你会摆弄你的食物,会发呆。 顺便说一下, 我说舒伯特洗碗是骗你的, 但那不代表他从来没帮忙做过家务。 - 文一
这是英文原文:Do you realize that if you had started building the Parthenon / on the day you were born, / you would be all done in only one more year? / Of course, you couldn’t have done that all alone. / So never mind; / you’re fine just being yourself. / You’re loved for just being you. / But did you know that at your age / Judy Garland was pulling down 150,000 dollars a picture, / Joan of Arc was leading the French army to victory / and Blaise Pascal had cleaned up his room – / no wait, I mean he had invented the calculator? / Of course, there will be time for all that / later in your life, after you come out of your room / and begin to blossom, / or at least pick up all your socks. / For some reason I keep remembering / that Lady Jane Grey was queen of England / when she was only 15. / But then she was beheaded, so never mind her as a role model. / A few centuries later, / when he was your age, / Franz Schubert was doing the dishes for his family, / but that did not keep him from composing two symphonies, four operas / and two complete masses as a youngster. / But of course, that was in Austria / at the height of Romantic lyricism, / not here in the suburbs of Cleveland. / Frankly, who cares if Annie Oakley was a crack shot at 15 / or if Maria Callas debuted as Tosca at 17? / We think you’re special just being you – / playing with your food and staring into space. / By the way, I lied about Schubert doing the dishes, / but that doesn’t mean he never helped out around the house. - 文一