I'm not much of a coffee fan, but I can't wait to talk with a barista about the problems inherent in the model minority myth.
Please tape it - MoTO Boychick Devil
My SIL is a former barista and she expects there will eventually be a "viral" video or two of Starbucks employees engaged in staged discussions. Also, she's not sure with how Starbucks schedules shifts short that anyone one would have time for a meaningful conversation (i.e. no quips or soundbits). - CAJ was here
I don't think a staged viral video would last a week before being uncovered. You could sign all involved to NDAs, but you could never get all the actors' friends and distant relatives and former classmates under NDA too. - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
Oh, I didn't mean to infer they would be professionals. :) - CAJ was here
Fair point! - Andrew C (see frenf.it)