A last minute tip on ffexp backups.
I created separate directories for each feed/group/list that I was going to backup. Copied ffexp.php into each directory and edited each one for the specific $stream. - Greg GuitarBuster
Bence: ABD: 23:59 Türkiye Cuma 06:59 - Koleksiyoner Ali
Now I can rerun the scripts to grab updates without having to edit the script. - Greg GuitarBuster
Where in the file did you edit for each specific $stream? I don't have the ability to mark lines so I found it impossible to locate where it needed to go. - Hookuh Tinypants
Tinypants, line 70 in ffexp.php, $stream=""; - Greg GuitarBuster
If anyone can tell me how to turn on line markers in Wordpad, that would make this much easier. - Hookuh Tinypants
Tinypants - You can try hitting Ctrl+G to see if that lets you "go to line". If not, try using EditPad Lite (http://www.editpadlite.com/). It's much better at editing plain text/code, and should let you skip straight to a specific line. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Like literally the only thing I wanted to do was back up my DM's. I have my entire feed and just needed my DM's and I'm all sitting here like MY DM'S WILL GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP... - Hookuh Tinypants
for your direct messages, set $stream="filter/direct"; - Greg GuitarBuster
Notepad++ is also neat. PortableApps.com has a copy you can throw on a USB stick and carry anywhere. I usually carry that and a copy of portable Chrome with me on the go. And Inkscape. And The GIMP. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
I know all the switches I need to use to manipulate the file, I just don't know where to place them is all. - Hookuh Tinypants