Also, I'm opening my feed up to the public for these last 48 hours because that's how I started this whole ride - open to everyone.
Stephen Mack,
WoH: Professor MOTHRA,
Anne Bouey,
Big Joe Silenced,
John (bird whisperer),
Jenny H.,
Victor Ganata,
Friar Will,
Jennifer Dittrich,
t-ra: sentimental gorgon
liked this
Who care?
- alireza6211
LOL My feed is public for less than five minutes and already it starts. Oh FF you never fail to come through in some predictable form or fashion. :)
- Hookuh Tinypants
- Jennifer Dittrich
trolls be trollin'. *sigh* Do your thing, Ms. Tinypants!
- #cryptic
I care! <3
- felicious