GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
I'm waiting for the call! :-) - Robert Scoble
be with you soon Robert - Tina Chase Gillmor
Standby everyone. We are close to liftoff - Tina Chase Gillmor
OK. ready with birds. There's even a woodpecker - Kevin Marks
Let me save everyone an hour. Heartbleed sucks, the NSA sucks, and it will take a while for everyone to patch. Next. - Murray Macdonald
Murray - I spent a good part of Wednesday revoking certs and reissuing. (and a bit of patching and upgrading) - Simon Tennant
Kevin is lucky/unlucky with wildlife - Tina Chase Gillmor
Started, yeehaaww. Already been muted. :-) - Robert Scoble
I was reading this while I waited: - Alex de Soto
Yeah. We updated certs all day yesterday. Annoying. - Murray Macdonald
Ok, I'll tell bad jokes while you're stalling for time. +Kevin, What do you get if you cross a woodpecker with a carrier pigeon? A bird who knocks before delivering its message. - Charlie Isaacs
Heartbleed Explaination - - Murray Macdonald
lovely NSA - clive boulton
This is too depressing - Francine Hardaway
I love that Kevin's shirt matches his umbrella hat - Charlie Isaacs
It's very exploitable - there was a nice demo that connected to and grabbed passwords. - Simon Tennant
NSA should share exploits, not exploit them - clive boulton
everyone seeing the stream fine? - Tina Chase Gillmor
looks great, Tina - Tom Guarriello
Looks great to me. - Murray Macdonald
Excellent stream Tina! - Alex de Soto
ok great - Tina Chase Gillmor
ditto - clive boulton
Kevin looks like he's at a garden party - Francine Hardaway
in a garden - Kevin Marks
the party is on the net - Kevin Marks
Private keys should automatically change themselves daily. - Murray Macdonald
mine is great, receiving at work - Charlie Isaacs
Dave Winer is right. Not a weiner - Francine Hardaway
he had the wrong hotdog - Charlie Isaacs
Sry for running late, gals - Ludwig Ederle
Kevin is lucky to have a gorgeous work environment.... I still want some oranges! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Let's talk the new Microsoft - Ludwig Ederle
what would you do in twitter's CEO role @Dan ? - flyinthesoup
Twitter's new design too alike Facebook for me - clive boulton
There are too many notifications coming in all the time - Francine Hardaway
No safari support? - Murray Macdonald
I'm sure Twitter has been listening to the Gang. We've been talking about the importance of notifications for some time now. Hopefully that will handle the feature carefully - Tina Chase Gillmor
Twitter user statistics: Most People On Twitter Don't Actually Tweet - Nir Ben Yona
Google+ is easier to filter via default circle and circle notifcations - clive boulton
Will be interesting to see if people still stick with FB after all the newstream changes going on - christina sponselli
Hiya - is it just me - video very intermittent - heard 30 secs of Kevin Marks only so far... - Ian Waring
If it defaults to who I follow, that's 1600 people - Francine Hardaway
That's more people than I want to be notified about - Francine Hardaway
I'm hearing everything Ian - Charlie Isaacs
Stream seems strong here on our end, Ian - Tina Chase Gillmor
I don't see settings for mobile notifications on the web, just email - Kevin Marks
FB social graph is too social. I want information. Not data from someone I went to school with. - clive boulton
Thank you - nought here. Will trying switching it off and on again (tip of the hat to the IT Crowd) - Ian Waring
I didn't know Robert had a normal world :=-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
I hardly ever use Twitter's standard interface on the Web, I use Tweetdeck. Mostly use Twitter on iPad and iPhone. - Alex de Soto
Threat was enough - i'm getting Scoble loud and clear now - Ian Waring
nobody tell Robert there's a guy behind him photobombing - Charlie Isaacs
Same here, I use Twitter plenty, but I never use the website. - Michael Mahemoff
Wrote this a long time ago about how Twitter will have challenges monetizing ... - Chien-Yu Lin
mobile expects me to add a phone number - Kevin Marks
kevin - can you post the link - Keith Teare
nice woodpecker, Kevin! - Tom Guarriello
the link in just goes to settings - Kevin Marks
One way to control noise for Twitter is to promote the ability for tracking back to root sources and filtering away all "met too" posts that do not include others you follow. That is, no one needs 70 people pointing back to the same ABC story - but I do want to see what the people I follow comment on it. - Chien-Yu Lin
@Keith, totally w/you...about her rolodex... - J.C. Bouvier
She can play the piano during board cocktail hours. - Alex de Soto
Mozilla ... I know that half The Board resigned, but did any rank and file resign? - Chien-Yu Lin
Here's what Marc Benioff tweeted about Dropbox: "Zuckerberg is wondering if he should buy Dropbox for $30B as we watches @drewhouston announce a messaging service" - Nir Ben Yona
She's for a sure a smart woman who was simply was miscast in a fugly White House...and I'm not apologist btw...and she wouldn't be on any list of board members of any length that I would make...but I can't imagine she's dead weight. - J.C. Bouvier
It sends wrong signals, but he can't lead the company if the employees hate him - Francine Hardaway
you're crazy, there's no such thing "his employees" in mozilla @robert - flyinthesoup
+1 Francine - Tom Guarriello
Eich resigned - Kevin Marks
Public opinion matters when you are a leader. If your troops won't follow, regardless of the reason, you're unable to lead. - Murray Macdonald
Chien: the troops threatened to quit with a letter to the board. - Robert Scoble
Marc Benioff went on to tweet: Amazing new @carouselapp and Harmony from @drewhouston demonstrates how far behind Apple's photo and file apps are! - clive boulton
that's totally right Murray - Tina Chase Gillmor
Had a Twitter experience that I wanted to bottle a couple of weeks ago - a conversation between a few folks talking around a virtual water cooler re: Facebook and Oculus. I'd love a newspaper made out of slithers like that. - Ian Waring
The CEO carries the vision for the company. He's the leader. Not effective. - Francine Hardaway
thats what storify is for - Kevin Marks
"troops" ? stop militarizing your thoughts. you're taking the wrong model - flyinthesoup
Storify... off looking - thanks - Ian Waring
we don't need no CEO for a new generation community based company. - flyinthesoup
The dangerous precedent that he would have set had he remained would not be about his leadership skills, but rather what message he could have create in right-to-work states where employees effective have no right to work. If minorities think that it is difficult to work in an environment such as California - which is very liberal - imagine a CEO of a company in a Red State. - Chien-Yu Lin
Roberts right, he didn't want to handle the situation - clive boulton
i don't take Eich as a leader either, he's a very deep nerd - flyinthesoup
Leadership principles were pioneered by military. Ever read Sun Tzu? - Murray Macdonald
he's a tech leader. he and Mitchell have been a good team - Kevin Marks
Scoble: Thanks - Chien-Yu Lin
+100 @Storify, use it all the time... - J.C. Bouvier
So is Eich on the spectrum? - Francine Hardaway
Go to Glassdoor. There are a lot of horrible leaders (as per their employees opinions and ratings), but Wall Street loves them and it is a bad economy for a lot of companies, industries. - Chien-Yu Lin
Francine: I don't know that for a fact but I would not be shocked. - Robert Scoble
Bill Gates is often described as having Aspergers. He demonstrates many symptoms. - Murray Macdonald
Carly Fiorina at HP comes to mind.... - Alex de Soto
Murray: yes. - Robert Scoble
My son has Aspergers. He's amazingly smart, just eccentric. - Murray Macdonald
Bill has never admitted that. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina: no, he isn't as far along the spectrum as Bram Cohen. - Robert Scoble
Does anyone know if Mailbox supports Exchange yet? - J.C. Bouvier
Most adults with Aspergers are un-diagnosed. There's no blood-test. It's a subjective diagnosis. - Murray Macdonald
@Semil, what dou you mean about the transition from platform to services ? - flyinthesoup
A classmate of my daughter's is on the autism spectrum. She says he's one of the smartest people she knows. There are a ton of things that freak him out though but even so, he has made great strides over the years being connected to other students. All the kids are very protective of him. It has been a great experience for all - Tina Chase Gillmor
12 million downloads for Office for iPad ... - Chien-Yu Lin
How about the high-frequency trading revelations ala Flash Boys? Wall St. High Frequency Traders are scamming clients by having a few milliseconds lead time to trade against them. The exchanges are selling them the upstream access. - Murray Macdonald
file sharing will disappear as paper will one day - flyinthesoup
Dan's chin keeps getting closer to the bottom of the screen ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
we're printing more paper than ever before - Ludwig Ederle
"Microsoft’s top lawyer on Thursday said the company’s cloud computing services had met Europe’s stringent data protection rules — the only company so far to receive such approval — and he used the news as a way to woo potential new customers." - NYT - Alex de Soto
Does OneNote have a web clipper like Evernote? - Tom Guarriello
wait till you start eating paper... - flyinthesoup
at macdonalds you already do... - flyinthesoup
I like Evernote more than DropBox - Francine Hardaway
I placed my OneDrive folder in a DropBox folder for easier access across apps. - Alex de Soto
I like google drive - Kevin Marks
Both Evernote and Dropbox are now essential for me - Tom Guarriello
what other product or company could go from 0 to millions of new sign-ups in a few days... the Office for iPad strategy was a good move - Charlie Isaacs
Murray, I'm reading that book now - Francine Hardaway
Stability vs. Innovation - Chien-Yu Lin
Deconstructed gets identity out of the way, with Dropbox be killer - clive boulton
Love Evernote but it has splintered its attention into so many apps! - Alex de Soto
Friend just turned me onto - 50GB free...nice interface...and w/MediaFire now offering 1TB for $25/year...DropBox needs to up their free plan. - J.C. Bouvier
Microsoft vs. "Microsoft Killers"; Apple vs. Android. Outside of tech folks, what is more important? - Chien-Yu Lin
As a customer facing imaging application we have to support a bunch of different cloud sources. FB, Flickr, PhotoBucket, Dropbox, Box, Google, Sky Drive, Instagram, Piccasa, etc... - Murray Macdonald
Used to be bring your own device into an Enterprise - now it's Bring your own Cloud - Ian Waring
interesting ian - Kevin Marks
to win the mobile market MS will have to crush their Xbox into a mobile footprint and allow people to game everywhere, anytime -- moving their 43% market share to mobile - Charlie Isaacs
Sync your own Cloud with - clive boulton
Kindle Fire box is there to undermine Games Consoles... - Ian Waring
When you consider photos, Facebook is the #1 cloud provider. - Murray Macdonald
some noisy bugger is playing basketball in the park and making my sound cut in and out - Kevin Marks
Xioami have a good photo sharing service where you don't need to keep all your pics on the handset - just the latest ones, and the rest are accessible anywhere - Ian Waring
really anywhere? or just using their devices? - Kevin Marks
Using their service, which I think is on their devices. - Ian Waring
Area they monetise on mobile and web - given their hardware is an "at cost" lead... - Ian Waring
How much of mobile is stunted by ceiling established by standard cell phone components? Wifi, location, accelerometer, speaker, phone. - Chien-Yu Lin
Apps exist in a world governed by the web - Francine Hardaway
BTW, Fred Wilson thinks we're now in the blockchain era. Bitcoin - Francine Hardaway
Apps crossing over mobile web ramps fragmentation headaches in enterprise - clive boulton
newsreaders include twiitter + facebook - Kevin Marks
adn email - Kevin Marks
and SMS - Kevin Marks
all those are used to end links around - Kevin Marks
The Amazon apps don't make use of "the Web?" - Alex de Soto
Kevin - the nerve of people playing basketball in the park of all places! - Tina Chase Gillmor
secret posts are on the web - Kevin Marks
PhoneGap makes web apps into app apps. Android Intents allow deep linking between apps. - Murray Macdonald
Looks to me like Secret's DAUs have fallen off sharply since SXSW... - J.C. Bouvier
... and RESTful APIs. - Rob Underwood
HTTP lives long in part because of all the system to system interfaces built of HTTP using RESTful APIs - Rob Underwood
Just gotta say that one of the hottest things right now is the McIlhenny Co. from Avery Island, Louisiana. I know Fred Wilson agrees with me. - Frank Paynter
did you read Sinofsky? Basically saying that he's gald to be free of the office strategy tax - Kevin Marks
bitcoin doesn't need an app to transact inside an iOS app though, like an API to a payment gateway right... - J.C. Bouvier
so no more webapps being invested in, does that mean convergence of mobile and desktop OSes - David Boursin
Akka.js seems poised to extend reactive enterprise notifications into mobile apps. - clive boulton
Sideloading APKs gets around gate-keeping on Android. - Murray Macdonald
Nice step-up in Gillmor Gang production values! - Frank Paynter
as does web based apps - Kevin Marks
like - Kevin Marks
no one has mentioned that Google Glass will go on general sale next week. Apparently no one cares ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
camera + location are web accesible - Kevin Marks
@Tina, right? - J.C. Bouvier
PhoneGap does all that in a hybrid browser. Beacons and other hardware devices are supported through plug-ins. - Murray Macdonald
and what about Robert's preview of new drones? - Tina Chase Gillmor ;) - clive boulton
Drones are old stuff, and most people who want Glass have it:-) @tina - Francine Hardaway
Tina: oh, cruddy, gotta go get my drone. It's in the car. - Robert Scoble
I think Robert's blue shirt is very slimming! - Frank Paynter
I will go get it. I'll be back in a few minutes. - Robert Scoble
Robert is losing weight - Francine Hardaway
yes, agree with Murray -- can leverage a hybrid approach - Charlie Isaacs
I thought he was. I need to pick his brain for beauty secrets. - Frank Paynter
lo carb diet Frank - Francine Hardaway
Just in: Amazon Preparing to Release Smartphone - Nir Ben Yona
Exactly, enterprise won't route notifications via Appledroid - clive boulton
My wife stole my keys. No drone. - Robert Scoble
So my all-chips-all-the-time diet is counter-productive, I guess. - Frank Paynter
Steve jobs invented web applications? LOL. - Murray Macdonald
Francine... it will be interesting to see if that is true about Glass. I might expect so. I'm surprised they didn't drop the price - Tina Chase Gillmor
I wish Dan Farber would tilt his camera down. - Robert Scoble
Yeah, I have lost weight. Drinking a lot less and trying to stay away from carbs. - Robert Scoble
and then Google forked Webkit - Ian Waring
Steve wanted to be like Clint Eastwood and interview Robert's chair - Charlie Isaacs
Robert, will Maryam show me the drone then? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Come on over and we'll fly! :-) - Robert Scoble
multiple open source browsers is a agood thing - Kevin Marks
Robert - Nice on the weight loss. Next step after the improved diet (less booze and carbs) is the CrossFit. - Rob Underwood
Robert, I showed your drone video at the IoT World Forum Steering Committee meeting this week and it totally freaked people out :) the European folks were asking "did he get arrested?" - Charlie Isaacs
I am incredibly close to a Class A "No Fly Zone" for drones but that Phantom 2 Vision+ looks really cool. - Alex de Soto
What is the best fitness tracker today? Which has the most sensors? - Murray Macdonald
They'll start giving glass away when they start to monetize the cloud to the extent that they charge us G+ "customers" for our storage. - Frank Paynter
I've done a course on Google Fusion Tables - and used all my nutrition data and weight i've filled in daily for 12 years now in it. Putting less food in your mouth helps - and carbs is a big factor, much bigger than I expected. - Ian Waring
I lose consistently when 2/3 my carbs of what i'm consuming this year! - Ian Waring
BTW, Semil is a great voice to have in this discussion. I hope he's on the show more. - Rob Underwood
Sinofsky largely moved MS off Win 32 and onto http based interfaces - Ian Waring
+1 Rob - Frank Paynter
Ian, I hate the news that I have to eat less to lose weight. - Frank Paynter
The iPhone wasn't lean. You need a polished product to succeed today. - Murray Macdonald
True, MVP doesn't work well for mobile - Michael Mahemoff
This point that Keith makes week after week is very important, imo. - Tom Guarriello
... is this going to lead to another music discussion. old music vs. new music? - Rob Underwood
Next iPhone will be encased in Liquid Metal. No more milled Alluminium - Ian Waring
and Sapphire screen - Ian Waring
Only if there's a decent tuba part in the new music. - Frank Paynter
I used QUip yesterday. Pretty good:-) - Francine Hardaway
I recommended it to a friend yesterday - Ian Waring
I think this is why Larry has taken up this moonshot idea, Keith. Scale innovation is not what the market is about. - Tom Guarriello
Semil's prescient, none downloadable mobile apps emerging. Ties with Keith's broken lean startup. - clive boulton
iOS is a 45, Android the album? - Kevin Marks
Sinofsky moved MS off of .NET and back onto Win 32. I don't know where you got the idea that he moved it to http based interfaces. That is NOT true in Windows for the most part, except in the tiles up front that most people don't really like that much. - Robert Scoble
Quip that is - though I think Keith was right last year. California seems to ignore the effect of installed bases of lethagic (to change) markets - Ian Waring
Carousal - Kevin Marks
Anyone going to the smart fabrics show on the 23rd? - Murray Macdonald
Carousel reminds us all that Mad Men is coming back on Sunday!! - Tom Guarriello
I find it interesting that Quip has been around food a while but people are starting to talk about it again. giving it a second look. that doesn't always happen - Tina Chase Gillmor
Mad Men is coming back? So is Nurse Jackie. - Francine Hardaway
smaller ipads? - Kevin Marks
Oh, thanks for the Nurse Jackie reminder, Francine. One of my faves. - Tom Guarriello
i really NEED a bigger screen - Tina Chase Gillmor
not want. NEED - Tina Chase Gillmor
I love my bigger screen - Francine Hardaway
I love the big android screens - Kevin Marks
Although I hate the Android phone. Texting is sub-optimal if your friends are on IOS - Francine Hardaway
francine: Samsung? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Insert obligatory, "size matters" remarks here... - Tom Guarriello
Nexus 5 - Francine Hardaway
the texting problem is on Apple's end - Kevin Marks
I'll buy it off you Francine. :) - Murray Macdonald
Self cannibalization by Apple once again... - Tom Guarriello
I have to keep it Murray until Apple releases iPhone 6 - Francine Hardaway
Looking back as far as 2005, Sinofsky was throwing http APIs to Sharepoint and the whole Office Suite - thought this continued into Windows 8... - Ian Waring
How about a bigger battery? - Charlie Isaacs
Oh, that's another thing about the Nexus 5 that I don't like: 1/2 day of battery life - Francine Hardaway
you all know it's not the size, it's what you do with it that matters, right? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Android fragmentation addressed via Google play API services - clive boulton
Android fragments help to reduce recoding. Using a browser (or hybrid app) you can ignore screen size if you practice responsive design. - Murray Macdonald
I love it when Tina talks about batteries like that - Charlie Isaacs
somehow I can only say silly things today :-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
I have solved the battery problems in my life. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. Mophie. And a car charger. - Robert Scoble
Interesting thing is that Amazon Fire has YouTube and looks like a carbon copy of Android TV screen shots - Ian Waring
I have a Mophie - Francine Hardaway
I use a Mophie, it almost gets me to the end of the day now - Charlie Isaacs
Anybody on this stream score a WWDC ticket? - Tom Guarriello
didn't try - Kevin Marks
Instead of a Mophie, wouldn't life just be better if you could remove / replace the battery on an iPhone, with spare batteries hanging around? - Chien-Yu Lin
Mophiestopheles!!! - Alex de Soto
3D smartphone giveaway at Google I/O? - clive boulton
Title of the show: "My Heartbleeds for the NSA" - Charlie Isaacs
yes +Chien what a novel concept - Charlie Isaacs
Some of the Boston Robotics Mule replacements sound like a lawnmower too - not good in a conflict theatre - Ian Waring
Take the money and run? - Alex de Soto
Semil, Please return to the show soon. - Rob Underwood
Yes, we like Semil - Francine Hardaway
+1 Semil - Alex de Soto
+1 Semil - Tom Guarriello
No Keith, I live with the left - Francine Hardaway
+1 here too - Ian Waring
I think the sound of a few hundred Boston Dynamics bots would be scary as hell. - Murray Macdonald
Semil = Nice input from a different perspective of the industry - Chien-Yu Lin
Semil works :-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Keep Keith, Keep Keith!! - Tom Guarriello
No, we love you too! - Rob Underwood
Let Keith sing! - Rob Underwood
new campaign: Save Keith - Tina Chase Gillmor
Only person last week who recognised the effect of the Office installed base vs Quip - Ian Waring
+1 Semil - J.C. Bouvier
+1 X 2 Keith - Alex de Soto
Yes, and that's what I'm waiting for - Francine Hardaway
Alternate Semil and John Taschek - clive boulton
I have a feeling this will be one of the more re-watched Gillmor Gang's on techcrunch, etc... this episode will have some traction. - Rob Underwood
There are no Bad Gangsters. Keep 'em all coming through... - Tom Guarriello
What is the world coming to? Everyone is eating better and swearing less. - Rob Underwood
I want to see the bottle again. Thanks! - Murray Macdonald
what happened to the drinking less thing - Rob Underwood
Cheers! - Alex de Soto
+1 on notifications everywhere Steve - J.C. Bouvier
I've been multi-tasking again. Listening to your soothing voices but only just now paying attention ... apps ... something something ... party - Laura Norvig
H/T to Robert S for that shot of the party ... awesome. - Rob Underwood
Okay, that's it. Opening a bottle. - Murray Macdonald
Pete Stringfellow, country star is in the house! - Robert Scoble
+Robert, that vineyard better send you some free bottles for that placement ad :) - Charlie Isaacs
Francine, the over 50 crowd ... - Laura Norvig
Charlie: Pete brought it. It's an award-winning pinot. VERY awesome! - Robert Scoble
Have a nice weekend yer angle! - J.C. Bouvier
Cheers! - Rob Underwood
awesome Robert :) - Charlie Isaacs
No drunk droning. - Murray Macdonald
Always learn something from the show. Be safe. Have fun. See you all next week. - Chien-Yu Lin
Really pleased to have caught the live feed today - boy does the video look good - Roger Shepherd
ha Murray - Charlie Isaacs
great show, Folks!!! Thanks - Tina Chase Gillmor