UFOs - FOX News - Mexican Air Force - CNN News - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
omg omg we're doomed! :) - AJ Batac
I don't think aliens care about us much, otherwise they would have done something by now. They were probably just sightseeing. - Sanjeev Singh
Or, if they are real, they are the advance exploratory team for the main armada. Or perhaps we don't perceive or understand what they are doing. The main question you have to ask is: why have governments around the world worked so hard to bury the story? One explanation: the general public couldn't handle the truth. - Sean McBride
One possible truth: they are real, they are far beyond our understanding in every possible way, we have no control over them, and they are possibly manipulative and hostile in ways that are much too scary for most people to contemplate or handle. Good reasons for a cover-up. - Sean McBride
Slippy -- have you reviewed all the testimony of Disclosure Project members or read Richard Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973 http://tinyurl.com/27bpej ? Once you get around to doing so, perhaps you can provide some useful comments. Many high-level government, military and intelligence officials have been convinced by the hard evidence that something is going on here. - Sean McBride
ops, i didnt know Mexica had Air Force.. I thought they only had big hats and wooden guitars..! - Hayk
Mexican air force craft ARE the UFO's. They fly around in giant sombreros. - Capn' One Eye - adrift
Slippy -- so you know nothing about the Disclosure Project or Richard Dolan's book. I'll wager you didn't even bother to read the reviews of the book on Amazon. Tell me: are there are any subjects on which are you are knowledgeable and about which you have made useful contributions on Friendfeed? I just reviewed a batch of your posts and couldn't discover a single post which contained any content. Am I misrepresenting you? Why exactly do you bother posting here at all? - Sean McBride
Slippy -- I don't know anything about the Watchmen film and have never commented about it. Until demonstrated otherwise, it is safe to dismiss you as a tiresome troll. - Sean McBride
Hayk and Geoff: did you bother watching the video and listening to the specific content? Any comments? - Sean McBride
Slippy -- I accept your apology. And if you want to ridicule the entire subject of UFOs, be my guest -- that's your perfect right. For several reasons, a few of which I mentioned, I take the subject seriously. For anyone on the fence about the subject, I recommend Dolan's book, which reviews many hundreds of UFO reports from highly credible sources within the U.S. government. I suppose you could make the argument that all this is disinformation of some kind, but, based on the look and feel of the reports overall, I doubt it. - Sean McBride
Sean , I did watch the video. I heard of Disclosure and Greer's recent Orion Project but havent read the Dolan book although heard a lot how important and thourough in terms of research it is. I do believe in UFOs. There is an entire science dedicated to determining possibilitites of life existance in the universe. The chance our Earth's existance are also infinistimaly small but we are the witness of this tiny chance come alive. I dont see contradiction in another such chance's realization. - Hayk
What i dont get is that the pilote had himself followed by those UFOs. Hoe come he or other Air Force try to get a closer look or DO smth? Afterall this was a aerial breach of Mexico and usually rules against such breaks have one presciption - warn and shoot down :) - Hayk
Hayk -- we seem to be on the same page. Slippy strikes me as a flat-earther -- he can't imagine that the universe might well be teeming with life forms, quite a few of them much more technologically advanced than we are and capable of reaching our planet. With regard to alien abductions: the video cited here doesn't mention them, nor does Richard Dolan's book. Slippy hasn't done his homework on this subject. For decades military establishments around the world have been observing aircraft that vastly exceed in capability all known human technologies, public and top secret. Stealth aircraft can't come close to matching some of the operational behavior of UFOs that have been on our radar (literally) since the 1940s. - Sean McBride
"Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense." -- Read Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, first director of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). This is just the tip of the iceberg -- Richard Dolan's book provides the documentary evidence to support Hillenkoetter's statement. From private conversations with a few people in a position to know, I think the CIA has in fact been heavily preoccupied with UFOs since its founding in 1947. (Back in February 28, 1960, when the New York Times published Hillenkoetter's comment and when the cover-up wasn't fully organized, bits and pieces of truth were still leaking through.) - Sean McBride
Slippy - you never bring any useful facts or analysis to the table. You're boring me -- your unadorned opinions are not interesting. I don't think you know what you are talking about on any subject I have seen you address. Pardon me for being so blunt. - Sean McBride
Slippy -- do you have any comment on Roscoe Hillenkoetter's quote about UFOs? There are dozens of similar quotes that can be produced from high-level government, military and intelligence officials from all around the world. Richard Dolan cites many of them in his superbly researched book. - Sean McBride
"Former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, who trotted out an aide dressed as an alien 10 years ago to spoof the frenzy surrounding mysterious lights in the Phoenix sky, now says the lights were actually an alien spacecraft. "I'm a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies," Symington said Thursday. "It was bigger than anything that I've ever seen. It remains a great mystery. Other people saw it, responsible people. I don't know why people would ridicule it."" http://tinyurl.com/6zh4gh - Sean McBride
Slippy - you still haven't commented on the content of the video that Sanjeev Singh posted here. Do you have a critique? What in your opinion is the nature of the objects captured on the video issued by the Mexican military? Swamp gas, perhaps? - Sean McBride
Make no mistake -- Slippy Lane is a disruption op. He's evaded every opportunity to discuss this video in a rational way. - Sean McBride
The first head of the CIA asserted in the New York Times that the American military takes UFOs very seriously indeed. Slippy's response? He still hasn't even acknowledged the quote or the existence of Roscoe Hillenkoetter. Case closed on Slippy Lane. - Sean McBride
There are many dozens of excellent, substantive, carefully researched books out there on this subject. Some authors who have impressed me: Bruce Maccabee, John Mack, Richard Dolan, Stanton Friedman, Steven Greer and Timothy Good. I am looking forward to Richard Dolan's second book, which should be available soon. - Sean McBride
Slippy: you still haven't issued a single substantive or factual statement about the subject under discussion here, and you have failed to respond to any of the factual statements I have made. I browsed through a few hundred of your posts on other topics, and encountered only snippy comments with no meat. The folks I follow on Friendfeed usually pack meaningful content into all their posts -- that is why I usually find Friendfeed to be a valuable forum. (And, btw, I have 40 more subscribers than you do. :)) - Sean McBride
The BBC takes Timothy Good seriously: "Timothy Good is considered one of the world's leading experts on the UFO phenomenon. For more than 40 years he has studied the controversial subject, having interviewed thousands of witnesses worldwide, many from military, governmental and scientific backgrounds. Timothy has written numerous best-selling books on UFOs and aliens - which he calls 'the most highly classified subject on earth' - and has acted as a consultant to several US Congress investigations into the phenomenon." http://tinyurl.com/5vkyfa These controversies are gradually going mainstream. - Sean McBride
On Timothy Good's "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence": "I have the highest regard for Good's absolute integrity, his determination and skill as a researcher, and his wide and detailed knowledge of the whole fascinating UFO experience." - Lord Hill-Norton, Britain's former chief of defense. But what would a British defense chief know about the subject? :) And then we have the Sunday Times of London on Good: "The evidence that Good has amassed is too overwhelming to ignore and it is clear that a more open debate is long overdue." - Sean McBride
Sean - not everyone has knowledge and/or quotations on the subject. This doesn't prevent them from having opinions, or the right to voice them. I'm unsure as to the real reason for your vitriol towards Slippy, I can only surmise that your desired format for a discussion involves you regurgitating quotations until everyone around agrees with you. As this didn't happen, it seems your only real response is to attack, and that smacks of playground bullying to me. Grow up. - Zestyn Zee
Zestyn - do you have any thoughts on those objects that were captured in the video issued by the Mexican military? What do you think they are? It might be interesting to discuss the content of the post which triggered this thread, don't you think? - Sean McBride
I will express my thoughts about the video, since no one else will. :) It seems difficult to dismiss the objects here as naturally occurring phenomena or as human artifacts. I am intensely curious about this video (and many others like it coming from Mexico and other nations). I want to know more. We don't know that these objects are ET vehicles, but they might be -- I don't automatically dismiss the possibility. I agree with the former defense ministers of Britain and Canada: this subject deserves intense investigation and scrutiny. - Sean McBride