Premium Lard from Farmer John. Tastes just fine by itself. (pic)
O, lard! - Josh Haley
Good eatin'. - Kurt Starnes
When I'm ready to make mincemeat pie again.... - Melanie Reed
Who eats lard by itself? Who "eats" lard? - Don Reith
Is it simply 100% rendered fat? If so, what animal? - Kurt Starnes
Pork, Kurt. - Ken Sheppardson
Ken: That's what I figured. And, it's obviously used as an ingredient, like in Melanie's mincemeat pie recipe. Can it be used like Crisco -- sort of like an all natural Crisco? :-> - Kurt Starnes
I think Crisco is pretty much to lard as margarine is to butter :-) - Ken Sheppardson
And traditionally you cook Carnitas by braising pork in a big pot of melted lard. Apparently it's tasty for deep frying. - Ken Sheppardson
Yes, it tastes better and actually makes a better pie crust. - Melanie Reed
Sounds nasty but makes a great pie crust - or so my Grandmother said - comix aka martha
This is the beef counter part of Lard: - Melanie Reed
i just knew of lard for pie crusts, but this post inspired me to look, and am amazed at recipes for lard :o (1000+ for those who dont want to look) - chaz2b
Healthier for you than the hydrogenated oils in shortening, thassafact. - Spidra Webster