Friendfeed tracker Dashboard -
Does anyone have any idea what I'm looking at here? Is that a count of # of feeds done and remaining? user? - Greg GuitarBuster
It's scrolling so fast that I haven't been able to grab an account name to see if it's a friendfeed account name. - Greg GuitarBuster
From their IRC channel it sounds like they are still working on feed discovery. They are only planning on migrating 300 entries for most users, but up to 10000 for VIP users. - Greg GuitarBuster
I emailed arkiver the link to our VIP list this morning and he replied to tell me that they will try to get as many as they can, but no promises. And it is unlikely they will be able to get all of them, and may not be able to get 10,000 for each. But they will try. He does recommend that if you have not done so yet, to back up your own profiles with whatever scripts are available to do that. - April Russo (FForever!)
Oh, and what you are seeing on the tracker is only what is in this batch. They will add more batches. - April Russo (FForever!)
Thanks, April. I saw them add another 200,000 a couple of hours ago. It seems to move fast and they've already identified nearly 1M accounts. I'd love to see everyone else's account entirely preserved (except for the obvious marketing spam accounts), but I've decided that I'll just keep a local copy of my feed. I was already unsure whether I could run a warrior on my own home machine, particularly because of the load on my home broadband usage. Right now, I can't see using my resources to backup VIP accounts while leaving my own feeds and friends unattended. - Greg GuitarBuster
WHO IS "THEY"?? Tell me more ... - Laura Norvig
Greg, this is the link to the VIP list: It is our friends! - April Russo (FForever!)
Laura, they are the archive team at - Greg GuitarBuster
The same guys that rescued most of Geocities when Yahoo shut it down. - April Russo (FForever!)
April, yes, I agree that they are all our friends. - Greg GuitarBuster
Yeah, there are no Beibers or Kardashians on that list. ;) VIP means something different, here. - April Russo (FForever!)
adamlar çalışıyor. - ufuk
The tracker is idle, I'm thinking they're finished. - Greg GuitarBuster
No. It's still going, but much slower with account backups. - Greg GuitarBuster
Now it's just periodic snapshots of the public feed at 5 minute intervals (after I pointed out that we are still partying like there is no tomorrow and that page isn't slowing down) - April Russo (FForever!)
Great. Kenshin Rules - Greg GuitarBuster
did you see how much was saved from ffmusic? - April Russo (FForever!)
Yes, 42G - Greg GuitarBuster