It's not "subtle racism"; it's that game journos always give the weeaboos on staff the Japanese games to review:
What the heck is a weeaboo? - Scoble, Alex Scoble
LMAO. - Derrick
Ahh, I see, it's someone who takes being a Japanophile a bit too far. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Not really a fan of that term - it's often thrown out to be denigrating, when someone is just an enthusiast (last time I heard it in conversation, it was to hate on someone who'd just passed the highest level test of Japanese language fluency in Japan.) Doesn't address why the enthusiasts are the ones who review those games: huge snobby gamer bias (either direction.) The rift between hard-core Japanese gamers and "other" gamers isn't all that new. - Jennifer Dittrich
Yeah, it's morphological similarity to a racial slur has always bothered me, even though no one will ever admit that it's a possible influence for its formation. (Yes, I've seen the whole 4chan/Perry Bible Fellowship origin.) - Victor Ganata
Heh, Victor, I didn't even catch that until you mentioned it. Once seen it cannot be unseen. - Scoble, Alex Scoble