Gillmor Gang Live Friday 12.19.14 LIVE recording at 1pm PT/4pm ET
hello there - Kevin Marks
hai Kevin. Happy Holidays! - Laura Norvig
Good afternoon! - Robert Scoble
"He talks to dolphins" The Interview | Sony Trailer - clive boulton
Waiting for the famous call. - Robert Scoble
TriCaster testcard up - clive boulton
Hi Robert! - Laura Norvig
wow, lots of rain suddenly - Kevin Marks
Congrats on the rain, Cali folks! - Tom Guarriello
hello folks! - Tina Chase Gillmor
it's a Black Mirror episode - Kevin Marks
Black Mirror is one great show. - John Taschek
Hi Laura! - Robert Scoble
It's more about obsession with media and the industry than it is just tech isn't it? I've only watched season 1 - John Taschek
How about projecting the movie across the DMZ to North Korea! - Alex de Soto
Great oranges and lemons at Kevins - clive boulton
what's going on ? Billabong Pipe Masters 2014 LIVE - flyinthesoup
they're ripe now - Kevin Marks
I need to get into Black Mirror. Is it on Hulu or Netflix? - Laura Norvig
Clooney's piece was pretty good - Tom Guarriello
Black Mirror is on Netflix - Kevin Marks
Netflix, Laura - Tom Guarriello
Super reminder of how Silicon Valley was orchards - clive boulton
except the christmas special - Kevin Marks
the tree inbetween is an apricot tree, though that is much less productive - Kevin Marks
I used to pick a fresh lemon for G&T on my run around San Carlos. - clive boulton
I'm watching David Denby's Top 10 movies on Netflix. Saw Ida, watching Snowpiercer - Francine Hardaway
Hi everybody. Happy Holidays despite the hack! - Francine Hardaway
How is Snowpiercer - I've been avoiding it - John Taschek
Happy Holidays! - John Taschek
Snowpiercer is excellent! - Tom Guarriello
I've just started it. Interesting premise - Francine Hardaway
Snowpiercer is pretty entertaining if you can suspend disbelief... - J.C. Bouvier
No president has ever been wrong or lied or covered stuff opinion is the movie will come out and all that the effort has done is make it the most popular, terrible/stupid never seen movie. - Josh Bradshaw
I have to suspend disbelief to get through everyday life, JC - Francine Hardaway
Tilda Swinton is fuuuuun! - Tom Guarriello
hee... - J.C. Bouvier
It will be on a torrent site - Francine Hardaway
I was thinking I would see "The Interview" by end of day no? ;) - J.C. Bouvier
Exactly Francine...probably a bounty for it. - J.C. Bouvier
The mall operators probably scared the theatre owners - Francine Hardaway
Don't you think the hackers have grabbed the movie in the hack? When will one of THEM release the film? - Tina Chase Gillmor
BitTorrent will make a comeback ... - John Taschek
As far as strategy goes, on the part of North Korea, this was a fail. Now, more people are aware of the oppressive and closed mindset of the leaders of their impoverished nation. - Josh Bradshaw
there will be screeners etc. out there already - Kevin Marks
Well, Kevin, send a link:-) - Francine Hardaway
And they will be passed around likes joints Kevin. - Alex de Soto
still no answers from the MPAA!! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Sony did the right thing after James Holmes. Already 3 lawsuits filled. - clive boulton
Anyone care to share their thoughts on Evan Spiegel's Facebook predictions? - J.C. Bouvier
"this film is not yet rated" is worth watching - Kevin Marks
+1 John's BitTorrent - clive boulton
J.C.: he has a point but Facebook is one hell of a company. Did you see Instagram is now worth $30 billion? - Robert Scoble
but what if the Hobbit people don't like THEIR movie? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert: yes, I did see the valuation of IG, and I don't completely agree w/ES...I think there's more to Facebook than just mobile use ramp that eventually plateaus. - J.C. Bouvier
Damn, cut off just when it was getting interesting! (Skype crashed) - Robert Scoble
My Skype has been crashing lately. - Robert Scoble
How many IG accounts has Facebook pruned... - clive boulton
yik yak is huge. college kids - Laura Norvig
Clive: I saw a figure of 29m - J.C. Bouvier
FB is fearless. - clive boulton
the yik yak use case is also: where is the best party with free booze for underage teenagers - Laura Norvig
The Atlantic had a pretty good article on the death of the internet and used yikyak as an example - - John Taschek
web you mean? - Kevin Marks
I didn't write it! - John Taschek
new vulnerability in the Yik Yak iOS application, - christina sponselli
What is this "guarantee of jobs" you speak of, Kevin?? - Tom Guarriello
They also had an imminent demise of Facebook because of apps like YikYak - it was a very interesting article - - John Taschek
they try hard not to employ anyone - Kevin Marks
People always get in the way - John Taschek
"they try hard not to employ anyone" must be axiom for tech going forward - clive boulton
orange AND a lemon tree? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Clive - the Singularity is Near - John Taschek
2 orange trees, a lemon tree, an apricot, an apple and a plum - Kevin Marks
John -- my focus shifted to apprentice learning algorithms for ERP (someone has to do it) - clive boulton
Now that's a good idea. It solves a need -- and it probably won't get done by the big ERP vendors - John Taschek
US Airways - Laura Norvig
isn't Ryan air in Ireland? - Tina Chase Gillmor
There is no place not to work now - Tina Chase Gillmor
Kevin, can I have one of your oranges? ;) They look really good. - J.C. Bouvier
ryanair ias based in ireland but flys across europe - Kevin Marks
I still sleep on planes. The Economist helps - Kevin Marks
Ha ha. Kim Jun Un's ringtone? - J.C. Bouvier
Kim You Know Who is playing the piano. - Alex de Soto
+100 on the Chromebook - Yes, real. - J.C. Bouvier
How many kids does John have? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Chromebooks are going after Windows. Wait till they go after Macbooks. Give me a bash! - clive boulton
Chromebooks are more affordable - christina sponselli
they have a shell - Kevin Marks
I just bought an Acer Chromebook for my daughter...her school is Chromebook, boy just asked for a Surface Pro 3 though... - J.C. Bouvier
They [dont] support the shell well - clive boulton
yes you can ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Try finding a Toshiba HD Chromebook 2 with 4 GB online. They've been selling well. - Alex de Soto
But if they don't do anything they don't want them - Tina Chase Gillmor
i thought they discontinued ipod touch - Laura Norvig
Chromebooks do Minecraft, Youtube, Education apps - John Taschek
my son dropped his in the toilet ... - Laura Norvig
Steve: Isn't everyone? - J.C. Bouvier
Will VR take off in 2015? - Alex de Soto
i dropped an nexus 7 in the toilet - Kevin Marks
Thanks Kevin ~ will work on how to save a pem file to crosh prompt.... - clive boulton
they dropped the Hard Disk ipod - Kevin Marks
oh, please change my brain - Tina Chase Gillmor
Facebook search. - Alex de Soto
the pager is back! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Oculus will throw me over into dementi - Francine Hardaway
Alexia, tablets for kids are already a thing ... but they always want the one that looks exactly like the grownup one. No substitutes. - Laura Norvig
I'm on the board of a STEM charter school and every kid has a Crhomebook. - Francine Hardaway
Oh, and tell Alexia my grandchildren got my old iPhones at age 3 - Francine Hardaway
In the Sony leak, we found out that Snapchat bought some sort of Glass-like compnay - Tina Chase Gillmor
kids with iPad Minis are ubiquitous in the valley - Kevin Marks
Yeah, the folks who make Epiphany Eyewear. That wasn't gonna go anywhere, but Snapchat definitely will. Good move for them. - Robert Scoble
Samsung teamed up with Facebook-owned Oculus Rift - clive boulton
Amazon 1 to 2 hour delivery in Manhattan? - Alex de Soto
1 Hour Amazon? - John Taschek
the Snapchat guy was pretty upset about his info leaking - Tina Chase Gillmor
@laura I know, I'll just execute better than anyone else. ;) - alexia tsotsis
Of course you will @elexia - Francine Hardaway
A friend of mine gave me a "noPhone" for Christmas. No battery, no camera, no speaker, no phone. - Francine Hardaway
I need a good way to protect my kid from inappropriate content on youtube. their basic filter is not enough. - Laura Norvig
Manhattan toilet paper in 1 hour (that's a long wait in the loo for Amazon) - clive boulton
google focusing on under 13 is interesting - Kevin Marks
And Manhattan is the only place 1-hour delivery will work - Francine Hardaway
@Kevin, I don't see google pulling that off but it will be interesting to see if it goes anywhere. - Laura Norvig
This was an interesting article by Farhad Manjoo on the 'Erasable Internet.' - Alex de Soto
Pavni is very smart, I can see her getting somewhere wiht it - Kevin Marks
Of course, @alexia. That happened to Randi Z. - Francine Hardaway
Maybe 1-hour works in Vancouver,BC city center zips... - clive boulton
I would love it if my kid could own his own Youtube channel ... although since I have to host it, I get all the money ... - Laura Norvig
I always delete my Gmail - Francine Hardaway
Yah, John are you using Inbox? - J.C. Bouvier
How much for a GG mug? - Dale Lature
I LOVE Inbox - Francine Hardaway
Sounds like a Cafepress store is about to open... - J.C. Bouvier
I don't like the idea of getting rid of my email. It's my file system, for godsake - Tina Chase Gillmor
Eric Schmidt didn't use gmail because the didn't want an archive - Kevin Marks
funny inbox is the exact opposite of the original gmail value proposition: never delete, just search! - Laura Norvig
I am no fool. I knew searchable email could get me in trouble. - Francine Hardaway
Seamlessness intensifies in 2015. Google has trained hundreds of developers all around the world on Android Wear and Polymer web components. - clive boulton
polymer is interesting - Kevin Marks
AWS is an IPO. - clive boulton
I wish I could watch amazon prime video on chromecast - Kevin Marks
Kevin: Popcorn Time w/AirPlay = joy. - J.C. Bouvier
airplay is no good, I unplugged the AppleTV - Kevin Marks
:( - Yah, I hate that remote... - J.C. Bouvier
the remote was no use - Kevin Marks
huh. so amazon shut google out and won't allow prime video on chromecast? - Laura Norvig
Oh stop, Kevin. The remote works. It's not great, but it works - Tom Guarriello
mine doesn't. I can't reconnect it to the appletv, and I can't configure the ipod touch as a remote without it - Kevin Marks
I like my Apple TV, mostly it's the kids losing the remote... - J.C. Bouvier
Wine time, happy holidays all! - J.C. Bouvier
The Americans is on my Amazon prime list. On Apple TV. - Tom Guarriello
Happy Holidays, JC! - John Taschek
My Amazon Firestick is backordered... - Frank Paynter
AWS success turning Amazon into a holding company. Distraction from the core mission. - clive boulton
Ringo. Solo artist. What a shonda. - Tom Guarriello
Basement Pink - Frank Paynter
Basement Tapes on Spotify - Tom Guarriello
Steve, are you going to get a Lincoln Continental so you can listen to Pono in it? - Laura Norvig
Microsoft turning Azure into the new Windows cash cow. Right core mission. - clive boulton
Good points, Clive - John Taschek
The Interview will be on Bitorent within a month - Tom Guarriello
will pirate bay be back - Kevin Marks
Does Fender make the Tricaster? - Frank Paynter
Salesforce turning mobile apps into distributed business applications. Right core mission. - clive boulton
Yo! is pretty amazing. Beyond my expectations. - Alex de Soto
Thanks everyone! - Robert Scoble
Thanks John. - clive boulton
Pirate Bay ghost lives, Kevin! - Tom Guarriello
Happy New Year all. - Laura Norvig
Enjoy the holidays! I'll have a Cuba Libre for you while in the islands. - Alex de Soto
I want a GG mug and I want one hour shipping :) - Dale Lature
Happy holidays, all! - Tom Guarriello
IFTTT - I love it. Block-style automation. IFTTT should support Yo...No? - John Taschek
a name for the show? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Starbucks delivered by drone. Want! - clive boulton
Name this show: Freaks and Geeks (play on James Franco) - clive boulton