I can't remember the last time I took public transportation.
Wow. How's the air up there, Chris? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Haha. Since that tweet I've used public transportation many times. But rarely at home. Public trans is awful in LA County. - chrisofspades #FForever.
^this. So much this. I think the only area in CA with decent public transit is SF. - Corinne L
@Corrine, people are actually going carless in LA now. That only works if you live near downtown though. Can't get away with it where I'm at. - chrisofspades #FForever.
the metro lines are great for us going from south county up to LA events at theaters or sporting events. We can go from LB to Pantages or Staples center or LA Live for 2 bucks. Good deal. - Steve C, Team Marina
Wow, that's impressive! I'm glad to see things have improved. I was without a car from Jan 2008-September 2009 in LA/LBC and it was HELL. Worked on the west side, commuting from Long Beach. So, so awful. Would have been much easier if my job had been downtown LA, then I could have taken one bus & the metro. - Corinne L
Chris, where are you in SoCal? - Corinne L
Yeah, every time I arrive at LAX, I take a Fly Away bus and then the Metro. So far, it's been great. But, that's me on vacation. Actually living and working and trying to get shit done, if you don't live downtown, like Chris said, I imagine it's a PITA. @Corrine, that's a big reason why I love SF. Chris, didn't you work at U of R? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I'm in Pomona. No Metro out here yet. The train is here but it's not very convenient. Car is essential for me. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Anna, yup! I'm surprised you remember. Fortunately I'm not making that commute any more. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Dude. I'm a bulldog. Here's the part where I'd recite the Och Tamale chant if I knew it. (-_-). All I know is 'Rah, Rah, Redlands!' - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I'll be in Riverside in late July so let's plan to meet! - Corinne L
Yeah that Och Tamale chant was literally jibberish. I never bothered learning it. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Corinne, for sure. Make sure we are connected one of the other places: http://friendfeed.com/this-is... - chrisofspades #FForever.