#‎NFL‬ team that drafts Michael Sam will be iconoclasts—film says, he can really PLAY! You don't lead the SEC in sacks if you're soft! But the social baggage he'll bring into the locker is considerable—good luck!
The island of misfit toys up here in Seattle might be a good fit - That one guy. Bren.
@Bren: edit to your comment: "…the island of misfit toys [WHO CAN FLAT OUT PLAY] up here in Seattle…" - .LAG liked that
Well, that's part of why he would fit in :) - That one guy. Bren.
+1… and belated congratulations on the Super Bowl, about time the Pacific Northwest got a championship! - .LAG liked that
If he makes it that far, we'd welcome of good Von Miller replacement for the Broncos. - Eric @ CS Techcast
…yup, @Eric… Broncos need to work on that defense, I think. But I could be wrong. I'm a NY Giants fan, so what do I know?—.LOLz! - .LAG liked that