I would like pineapple more if:
Apr 7, 2015
AHnix (Anna Haro),
Ell Bee, See?,
Stephan Planken,
Anne Bouey,
Jennifer Dittrich,
liked this
A: It didn't take 20 minutes to prepare
- Stephen Mack
2. It wasn't 40% waste
- Stephen Mack
III) it wasn't so expensive even from a roadside stand where it was fresh picked
- Stephen Mack
Delta -- It didn't make my mouth itch after about eight bites.
- Stephen Mack
On the other hand: It tastes AMAZING.
- Stephen Mack
Mouth itch? Not sure about that one. The others... meh. Pineapple is fantastic. Compost the "waste", though it didn't require a bag, 20 minutes of meditation time to make sure you're cutting it just right and handpicked deserves compensation. Then there is that whole AMAZING taste thing... wait a minute here. This is a humblebrag post, you just had awesome pineapple.
Get one of these: Easy Tool Stainless Steel Fruit Pineapple Corer Slicer Peeler Cut https://www.amazon.com/dp...
https://www.amazon.com/dp... Done and done. :)
- Ken Gidley