Gillmor Gang Live Friday 01.16.15 LIVE recording at 1pm PT/4pm ET
Listening while having my nails done for tomorrow - Francine Hardaway
Tony Fadell is taking over the Google Glass project? Is it dead or not dead? - J.C. Bouvier
here - Keith Teare
I'm here for the first time in months now that im employed and busy! Excited to be back again, did the podcast get discontinued? last show posted was back in Oct - Matthew Voshell
Hi all. I am happy I can make it today. I know this is annoying, but is it so hard to put the show on a feed? In my part of the world its usually friday night and sometimes there is other stuff to do. Besides you often change schedule so I miss a show every now and then. I don't write this to offend you, just liking the show and I want to watch as often as possible. So keep up the good work (and bring back the feed). Thanks! - Ludwig Ederle
@JC I'd imagine he'd take over all hardware.. why else would they have grabbed him up? - Matthew Voshell
Audio is broadcasting... - Matthew Voshell
@Matthew true that...but they did already have him w/the Nest acquihire no? - J.C. Bouvier
@JC one would hope they get rid of OEMs and build thier own stuff from now on.. too much cannibalization; yea they did for the getting into out our homes, but doing that AND selling motorola, who was supposed to be thier hardware manf, you'd think they are just switching out moto for nest designs - Matthew Voshell
Glass isn't ready. New product later this year - Francine Hardaway
john - we can hear you. - Steve Gillmor
Yah, I suppose - I'm still not convinced @GOOG should be in the hardware business... - J.C. Bouvier
@JC also a valid statement - Matthew Voshell
I meant isn't dead. - Francine Hardaway
Listen to G3 where we discussed Glass yesterdY - Francine Hardaway
I think glass has it place, great for doctors and police in ferguson, MO, but prob not a consumer product - Matthew Voshell
I shut Scoble up - Francine Hardaway
Yes, you did Francine! - christina sponselli
hello beautiful chat room - Steve Gillmor
Yo steve - Tom Guarriello
finally got a break to join... good timing - Jerry Schuman
G3 would love to see some of you come to our chat room usually on Thursdays. - Steve Gillmor
Feed for Gillmor Gang can be gotten from - Keith Teare
Keith, sorry the timing didn't work for the call yesterday - Jerry Schuman
except it's empty, Keith - Kevin Marks
JT must not have great upload speeds from the undisclosed cave; video is kinda jumpy but everyone else looks great - Matthew Voshell
yeah Steve knows when pretty ladies fly through the air - Steve Gillmor
the photo of scoble in the shower with glass on still haunts my dreams - Matthew Voshell
Topic suggestion: Nest integration coming to google now? voice commands etc - Matthew Voshell
Google's Nest ex-Apple guy will remove Glass front facing camera and sell to industry. - clive boulton
Glass stops selling the day after Scoble's birthday. Coincidence or conspiracy? - Alex de Soto
conspiracy! - clive boulton
ooops I was signed in as Steve - Tina Chase Gillmor
Jerry - no problem - Keith Teare
Yes you were - Steve Gillmor
sorry Steve;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Kevin is right, except you can tilt your head up to turn Glass on, completely hands free. - Alex de Soto
Glass eye-watcher is a better wearable human computer interface than a watch - clive boulton
i know for a fact per a source that google is talking to police depts, but trying to figure out how to make it cheaper, police depts dont want to spend $2500 per - Matthew Voshell
right, but to talk to it you need to press the button, no? - Kevin Marks
Apart from Search and Gmail Google fails on creating other products - Moe Glitz
@Kevin.. can't you say "ok, glass" as well? - Matthew Voshell
Googlebase. Google+ - Moe Glitz
insert immature joke here...., what body part do you want augmented? - Matthew Voshell
Matthew - using a different camera today -- old school. Sorry. Bandwidth seems OK from the cave. - John Taschek
what's it called? company? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Devs have sold Explorer for Epson glasses - clive boulton
Dropcams can be scary too if you forget to turn them off during parties! - Alex de Soto
@JT... yea i cant see your skin pores.. come on! ;) - Matthew Voshell
Epson glass is the real Joe 90 - clive boulton
Unless you connect to certain apps - Moe Glitz
@kevinMarks... good crop you got growing behind you..tastey? - Matthew Voshell
very tasty - Kevin Marks
Nest has made a point of being about 'home automation'. Very frightened by all the dead bodies in Cleantech, I think. Thread protocol description also gets those 'consumer' and home words way upfront in all announcements to distinguish from Industrial IoT. First application for Smart Glass is clearly IIoT - so out of Nest comfort zone. NEST & Glass = Not a goToMarket match - No one is talking about that - Therese Sullivan
Unfortunately I heard the wearable camera's angle doesn't lend itself to a good perspective. - christina sponselli
I like "Hey Siri" but that misconstrued request is very evocative of Keir's "Open the pod bay door Hal!" - J.C. Bouvier
Sometime in May, I'll have Alexa in our bedroom. Amazon's Echo that is. - Alex de Soto
@Alex... i signed up for early release of Amazon Echo.. i'm genuinly exceited to get that for $99 - Matthew Voshell
Why spy on the Russians when they are walking down your streets - Moe Glitz
Indeed Matthew. Willing to try it for $99. - Alex de Soto
Kevin's oranges look great - although his camera should be crisper to do justice to the great quality possible on this system - Roger Shepherd
@KevinMarks... i heard there are more cameras in London than in any other city in the world... true? - Matthew Voshell
At every opportunity those who would take away our security and privacy seek to do so. In Casablanca it's "Round up the usual suspects"; in the UK it's "Propose the snooper's charter". - Roger Shepherd
people will try new tech for a couple hundred bucks or less. But what Google did with Google Glass I think really pissed people off. Expensive to the user Beta test - Tina Chase Gillmor
Francine... when do you get in tomorrow? - Tina Chase Gillmor
i think that is true - Kevin Marks
Kevin knows how jelous I am over his oranges ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Tina... i think Kevin should send everyone oranges for a end-of-show fruit review - Matthew Voshell
Google is going headlong into becoming an actual utility. They just announced a 150M+ investment in a large solar array in Utah. - Jerry Schuman
but if you really want to win me over.... lemons! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hi Tina! - Jerry Schuman
Hey there Jerry! - Tina Chase Gillmor
first show in a long time for me. My startup has been keeping me swamped - Jerry Schuman
fun noises! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina: Limoncello! - Alex de Soto
So no keys to the Walled Gardens - Moe Glitz
ALex..... Yes! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Keith - "they're trying to make that illegal" - do you think they understand that level os subtlety? - Roger Shepherd
the lemon tree is next to the orange tree - Kevin Marks
holy moly. Kevin has oranges AND lemons. Meyers? - Tina Chase Gillmor
FBI was watching the man in OH that was planning that attack against the US Capital... they arrested him after he purchased the guns but had not committed a crime... all he did was speak out on twitter... slippery slop that your tweets are admissible in court? "your honor i present to the jury a tweet from the defendant, out for the night, lol, smiley face" - Matthew Voshell
Ok... enough fruit talk.... wait, maybe I can turn fruit talk into reck talk? - Tina Chase Gillmor
I meant tech talk - Tina Chase Gillmor
Barack Obama and David Cameron fail to see eye to eye on surveillance British prime minister takes tougher line on internet companies than US president at White House talks on Islamist threats - Roger Shepherd
just use Tor... I do for most things - Matthew Voshell
Only this time the Reds are embedded inside our countries - Moe Glitz
Steve's pretty aqua blue shirt looks white. I think i have a lighting problem - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Steve... no.. unless they let people vote via a smartphone app.. then you'd prob see a very different congress and policy - Matthew Voshell
I do care. I don't want the crims to syphon off my banking and other commercial dara. - Roger Shepherd
The Grauniad yesterday: A secret US cybersecurity report warned that government and private computers were being left vulnerable to online attacks from Russia, China and criminal gangs because encryption technologies were not being implemented fast enough. - Roger Shepherd
If I could vote with my smartphone I would be voting more often and probably feel more engaged - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tor was breached -- at least in theory - this past summer. Any impact? - John Taschek
darn I missed a good drink take - Tina Chase Gillmor
ISIS is Using Social Media to Reach YOU, Its New Audience - christina sponselli
dept of Veterans affair takes over a year to patch critical vulnerabilities that should be patched within 30 days.... govts are always behind and with the exponential growth of tech is showing how far behind these govts really are; it doesnt take much to breaking most govt networks... - Matthew Voshell
Doesn't Tor exist only to provide a lot of traffic to hide the communication of spys? - Roger Shepherd
And Smart Drones - Moe Glitz
Don't get me started about trying to work with govt agencies on their websites. Yuk. Glad that's over. - Laura Norvig
And then there's A.I. Check out what this group of thought leaders is up to: - Alex de Soto
@John i haven't heard about that but regardless if its breached the traffic is bounced around so breaking encryption wouldnt matter.. right? i could be completely wrong on this - Matthew Voshell
**** FREEDOM **** - Jerry Schuman
He's right... people willingly give up data making zuckerberg and other rich... they aren't making us - Matthew Voshell
now the government can have an "FBI" file on everyone. used to be just a few - Tina Chase Gillmor
Topic suggestion: Facebook for Work, mock-ups released yesterday, thought about it for my company but can you trust the data on there not ending up in wrong hands via corp espionage - Matthew Voshell
It's called a Facebook Profile, Tina - Moe Glitz
I think the breach allowed insight into the data wrapped up by the onion servers. I don't know enough -- it's still better than almost everything. - John Taschek
it's me. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Xfinity rules! - Tom Guarriello
moe - yes, exactly - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Steve... south park has your back - Matthew Voshell
Facebook & Twitter not doing enough to take down a lot of ISIS Propaganda - Moe Glitz
talk about the mad rush to unbundling which industry said would NEVER happen - Jerry Schuman
Nor did the Lego move - christina sponselli
but jaimie foxx won for Ray right? - Matthew Voshell
Guys I hate to say this. But I do not think African Americans need to be concerned these days about Oscar nominations - Tony Stanislawski
Wait...Aren't we in a post-racial society...? - Tom Guarriello
Apparently the Oscar Nominations are 'All White' - Moe Glitz
They are more worried about what is going on in the real world - Tony Stanislawski
isn't Selma up for best picture? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Director of "Selma" on the daily show, great interview - Matthew Voshell
Symbolism, Tony, symbolism... - Tom Guarriello
Yes. Selma is up for Best Picture and Best Song. - Alex de Soto
Most Blacks these days are saying what Civil Right movement? - Tony Stanislawski
I know Tom! - Tony Stanislawski
Yea... Chris Hemsworth know tech? ooooooooooooooooooooooooook, what hacker looks like that? i bet he doesnt even drink Monster energy drink in the movie - Matthew Voshell
Roger - I do think they are quite sophisticated - Keith Teare
Just frustrating....If this show talks about Oscar nominations then it needs to talk about Ferguson... - Tony Stanislawski
Master Chef Junior is the place to identify talent!!! - Tom Guarriello
In 1975 The Homebrew Computer Club launched the PC Revolution. 40 Years later we should honour those visionaries. - Moe Glitz
Have there been any updates on the Sorkin Jobs movie? So bummed Christian Bale passed - Matthew Voshell
Woz and Jobs checked in. Even Bill Gates - Moe Glitz
Do watch "Ida." Nominated for Foreign Language Film and Cinematography. It's on Amazon now. Amazing cinematography. - Alex de Soto
That was Alex Scoble on FB - Tony Stanislawski
"junk science" PONO - Tom Guarriello
Got in a big fight with the Birthday Boy - Tony Stanislawski
The Scoble thread about Pono in Facebook is hilarious. Arguing with his brother tl;dr - Laura Norvig
Coke Pepsi redux... - Tom Guarriello
Pono is crazy expensive too...kinda funky design...Neil Young is still the man though.. but old age might be catching up to him - Matthew Voshell
that's the same in our house. I hate that - Tina Chase Gillmor
Coke! Pono! - Laura Norvig
Ella doesn't like loud music - Tina Chase Gillmor
The Sorkin Jobs Movie looks like a remake of the previous one - Moe Glitz
+1 Laura - Tom Guarriello
@Moe... Sorkin wrote it... and he said previously is going to focus on 3 points in job's life... i have faith in the writing.. but it has to be played by the right person.. Bale was perfect from both attitude and looks... - Matthew Voshell
Should do a movie when Jobs returned to Apple, up until he sadly died - Moe Glitz
@Moe what i've heard is that it starts with him debuting the iphone and then having flash backs during the speech - Matthew Voshell
Regarding quality - I really like Tidal - sounds much better than Spotify - Roger Shepherd
If Scoble was here this would be a good fight. :) - Tony Stanislawski
Things sound great on my Alexa from Amazon! - Tony Stanislawski
I'm bluetooth from my macbook to Jabra Move... $99 sounds great with 12 hour battery - Matthew Voshell
True Matthew. But it still covers the same time period as the Aston Kutcher version - Moe Glitz
Meanwhile, the music itself... - Tom Guarriello
Have a nice weekend y'all! - J.C. Bouvier
Yea.. .called his life haha what did you expect.. no i think they'll leave chunks out.. who knows.. Sorkin will teach us the ways to write well, which includes cocaine and 20 showers a day (google it) - Matthew Voshell
Heard it's the iPod like the other movie - Moe Glitz
HD has the same issues with compression... ESPN HD is amazing but Fox's is AWFUL, idk what compression they use - Matthew Voshell
gosh I love when nerdy men spout out model numbers - Tina Chase Gillmor
@tina LOL - Tony Stanislawski
Those are fighting words, Marks!! - Tom Guarriello
Vinyl is making a comeback too - Matthew Voshell
which relies on compression, recording, players, headphones... so many variables - Matthew Voshell
I really liked the way HBO recorded the live music on Treme. You felt that you were right in the room. - Alex de Soto
the cable co's vary compression by channel to save bandwidth, yes - Kevin Marks
Uh, that's not just in tech ... - Laura Norvig
Oh sure. When Sheryl says what women are always saying, well then people notice - Tina Chase Gillmor
Is Facebook At Work anything more than Secret Groups? We use those for our classes and they work very well. - Tom Guarriello
Over to the Enterprise answer from John - Moe Glitz
@Tina what do you think about being a woman in tech? - Matthew Voshell
The joke about Facebook at Work is that there already a product that does it. It is called Facebook. - christina sponselli
Tricaster long pause. Maybe comcast. - clive boulton
Im on the periphery not so much in th trenches. BUT my friends are constantly talking about how much they are up against shitty attitudes - Tina Chase Gillmor
Secret Facebook Groups are great for sharing information amongst affiliated groups. Lots of functionality, of course, and everyone's familiar with the interface. - Tom Guarriello
Yea is like secrete facebook groups with a newsfeed.. plus do companies trust put thier info on there? - Matthew Voshell
Why would Work colleagues use Facebook@Work when they can just shout across the room to them - Moe Glitz
I put FB at work in context with revelations from Snapchat conversation post-Sony hack. Getting ready for bubble pop finds them running for shelter into the enterprise. Right, @KevinMarks like Slack. Video chat has great potential in the enterprise for same reason as Google Glass, eg facilities operations. Blogged about this - Therese Sullivan
Very hard to trust - John Taschek
what does salesforce use? - kat turning
Chatter - Kevin Marks
+1 Therese Sullivan (enterprise cover when the bubble pops) - clive boulton
turn that shit off, Boys - Tina Chase Gillmor
the products are great... but people have to use it.... which is hard for employees over 30 - Matthew Voshell
It heard us talking about it ... (Slack) - Laura Norvig
we use TeamworkPM and link it to Google Drive - Matthew Voshell
@Matthew - not sure I agree with the ageism but for reluctant users you basically have to put something they HAVE to get behind the tool. They'll get used to it. - Laura Norvig
@Laura.. i agree.. but ive been spending the past 3 weeks at work explaining to our older sales force (45 and older) and i have to teach them repeatedly how to even add a video call to a google cal invite let alone our PM/Sales cloud software - Matthew Voshell
Ha, that's actually pretty advanced ... where I work there's a lot of email attachments. smh. Even though we have Chatter and Sharepoint. - Laura Norvig
right, having a good document repository is hard - Kevin Marks
@laura.... hahaha yep... care to join me when i bash my head against the wall over and over again? :/ - Matthew Voshell
sharepoint is not a good one, Quip or Google docs are better - Kevin Marks
John Taschek is sinking - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yeah, Sharepoint makes it hard to convince people they should use a system like that. - Laura Norvig
I wrote a thing today about indieweb tools: - Kevin Marks
we use google drive and ive setup a google site but no one ever looks at it... JT has it right... i'm having to reteach these guys how to work... they are stuck in the old paradigm... - Matthew Voshell
slack with gdocs integration is quite good - Kevin Marks
Our CEO solved email attachment's. He had the IT guy disconnect the exchange server and put into in a taxi, then fired the IT guy. Kick ass! - clive boulton
It takes a ton of training, adoption from the C-suite, and sometimes mandated practices. I guess. Or I could just go work with people who understand cloud repositories - Laura Norvig
@Clive that is awesome! - Tony Stanislawski
@Kevin slack is great... but seems to be better suited for Devs etc, was tough sell to my workforce - Matthew Voshell
Where was the taxi going? - John Taschek
Kevin has a great gigle - Tina Chase Gillmor
@John It went to where I work and more broadly the educational systemt - Tony Stanislawski
I love this topic! - Tony Stanislawski
Kevin is right... living on the line b/t synchronous/asynchronous world is the tight rope i walk daily - Matthew Voshell
lost sound - Kevin Marks
can you call me back tina - Kevin Marks
@Steve exactly - Tony Stanislawski
I can't hear steve - Kevin Marks
@Tony. The exchange server was in Ohio, exchange server taxied to Boston. Took them 6 weeks to get it back after they had learned to dogfood our own Chatter/Sharepoint. - clive boulton
and Franco is still dead. - Laura Norvig
Laura he, he, he - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Clive Awesome Sauce@ - Tony Stanislawski
consumption vastly out weigh productivity. said Kieth. very good comment - kat turning
call back again - Kevin Marks
What happened to Box? - Laura Norvig
callme kevin - Tina Chase Gillmor
#2? - Kevin Marks
yay - Kevin Marks
next couple of week - Apples results are due out week after next.... .they'll cause discussion and debate (whatever the results0 - Roger Shepherd
finally got Kevin back - Tina Chase Gillmor
Enterprise software morphs to cloud-enabled hybrid-SaaS. Google Search Appliance! - clive boulton
@Keith I am with you! - Tony Stanislawski
Apple Watch will be the game changer - Tony Stanislawski
It might incremental but it will start the change - Tony Stanislawski
tony - what's your take on the watch? - Tina Chase Gillmor
First Watches will be made cool again - Tony Stanislawski
Which is a big deal - Tony Stanislawski
@Tony i have my doubts about watch... kinda see it as the Tesla Model S, it works, its nice, but expensive and only certain people can afford it... - Matthew Voshell
350 starting - Tony Stanislawski
not sure that is an argument - Tony Stanislawski
Google has lost its vision by removing Google Glass - Moe Glitz
Google needs to innovate the search experience. Feels stale. - clive boulton
most people don't buy pricy watches - Kevin Marks
That haves will have will get cheaper...and change the computing paradigm - Tony Stanislawski
My guess - Tony Stanislawski
That's pretty funny, Moe! - John Taschek
but those who do will buy apple ones - Kevin Marks
Google making a spectacle of itself without Glass - John Taschek
haha! - clive boulton
A glasshole without glass is just a hole - John Taschek
ok dick tracey... i mean tony - Matthew Voshell
Lol john - Moe Glitz
@JT... Yes! lol, Proctologists Dream, wall to wall assholes - Matthew Voshell
Show sure is different without Robert - nb not better, not worse but DIFFERENT - Roger Shepherd
Scoble's most famous photo has to be in the shower with glass - clive boulton
nama the show!!! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Google's Search UI on Mobile sucks - Moe Glitz
RIP Rock Scully ... - Laura Norvig
@Clive - I had only recently erased that image from my memory, and now it's right back there - John Taschek
Stuck in the 90's - Moe Glitz
The search UI is fairly bad -- but the mic UI is good. - John Taschek
I'll try the next Glass. It will be better UI - Francine Hardaway
@John - exactly! sorry:) - clive boulton
And maybe Barry Sless who plays with Moonalice and DNB ... - Laura Norvig
See ya'll next week! - Matthew Voshell
Google's search experince hasn't changed since Marissa oversaw it. - clive boulton
@Laura. Cool if Chubby Wombat guests on the Gillmor Gang. - clive boulton
yes it has clive - Kevin Marks
Not very much. Marrisa was the Vice President of Google Product Search until the end of 2010: - clive boulton