I saw approximately 40 bald eagles on my eagle-watching trip! That's more than I've ever seen before. Unfortunately they were all far away. Here's a tree with lots of eagles, plus a few on the ground.
Iván Abrego,
MoTO Boychick Devil,
Jenny H.,
WoH: Professor MOTHRA,
Anne Bouey,
Stephen Mack,
Jennifer Dittrich,
Stephan Planken,
John (bird whisperer),
DB, Lil LB's Dad,
liked this
That's awesome.
Wow. This was in California? The only time I've ever seen one was in Alaska and I was stunned that they were FAR huger than I'd imagined.
- Spidra Webster
We often have one in the yard (although I haven't seen any for the last while). I am always amazed how the dog can run up to the tree and bark all she wants. I can walk around without the eagle being bothered. But as soon as I point the SLR, it takes off.
- Stephan Planken
- Stephen Mack
I expect them in Canada or Alaska or Washington … but yeah, these are in California! 500 to 1000 of them come each winter for a few months, up by Lower Klamath Lake and Tule Lake. I only learned about this a few years ago so now I try to go every year.
- Amit Patel
Fun. :)
- Jenny H.