I now have a fitbit. still learning how to connect with others.
Come on over to https://www.fitbit.com/user... and send me a friend request! And there are some FF folks you can find in this Fitbit group: https://www.fitbit.com/group... - Stephen Mack
Thanks, our entire company received one today at an event. and of course they jokingly said any issues to contact me. I have to learn this quick. - Mike Nencetti
Yay! Catch http://friendfeed.com/fitbit-... while you can! - Ell Bee, See?
a funny story, at work I sit near someone who was trying to order 200 fitbits that had to arrive prior to our all company event. We were running out of time. so I contacted a certain person who shall remain nameless, and then they all showed up. it was quite surreal, as it was most likely a coincidence. I like mine. we now have these challenges at work to compete against each other. - Mike Nencetti