There is a job listing for "Reindeer Apprentices" from the Norwegian Department of Labor. I'm sort of tempted to apply. "IS THIS WHERE I APPLY TO BECOME A REINDEER?"
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There is also one for a "milkmaid." Oh, Norway...
- Jenny H.
You don't become a journeywoman reindeer without doing your time hoofin' it in the field.
- Micah
I collected their poo in your backyard, MICHAH. That's not nothin'.
- Jenny H.
- Micah
I kind of want to throw a saddle on a reindeer and take a ride. Or get pulled by one on a sled. Please make this happen for me, Norway! I ask so little.
- Jenny H.
I can't believe you're able to resist becoming a reindeer apprentice.
- Spidra Webster
Only because it's in the middle of nowhere, waaaay up north, and the commute would be a bitch.
- Jenny H.
Do people go dog sledding in Norway?
- Melly #FForever
Not that I am aware of; they are enamored with their cross-country skiing prowess. :D (Every time we go out, I see skiers pulling sleds with their kids or crap on them.)
- Jenny H.
The hard part is deciding whether to your kids or your crap skiing :-P
- Eivind
Well, if your kids are acting like assholes, it can feel like the same thing. ;)
- Jenny H.
I guess it doesn't matter if it's a little shit or a little shit creating a stink back there :)
- Eivind
Exactly. :)
- Jenny H.