Sony Takes Over ‘Robotech,’ Plans Film Franchise (EXCLUSIVE) | Variety -
"Sony Pictures has secured rights to the popular anime series “Robotech” and views the project as a potential film franchise. The studio hopes to move quickly into production on the live-action feature, with Gianni Nunnari and Mark Canton (“300,” “The Immortals”) producing and Michael Gordon (“300,” “GI Joe”) writing the script. The series centered on humanity’s use of robot technology to fend off alien invaders and has an “Independence Day” meets “Star Wars” vibe. It is seen as having the global appeal necessary to become a blockbuster property." - Andrew C (✔)
I will always find Robotech just bizarre. "Here, lets staple together a couple of different series and make up some reason they're related. Totally better than just releasing them separately." - Jennifer Dittrich
The episode counts of the individual shows were a bit too short for syndication needs. Doesn't exactly explain why they didn't just call it the Mecha Anthology show and run whatever shows they could license. Maybe this way Harmony Gold has some valuable IP. - Andrew C (✔)
It really ends up changing the story, though - which, if rumors are correct, was more or less the point. The parent company didn't care what they did in the US at the time, as long as licensing was paid, and they got to basically make their own robot show (and, as you say, later on it is its own IP in a lot of ways.) - Jennifer Dittrich
Yes! I love Robotech. Have read all the books, seen all the anime. Probably still have the RPG game book in a box collecting dust somewhere. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Interested to see what can do with this live action. If they get some Transformers quality CGI for the mechs it could be cool. OMG SDF-1 fully rendered in modern CG. That will be awesome if this ever sees the light of day. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
As long as they don't make the mechs look like what they did w/Transformers I'll be ok. - rønin
Someone on The Verge posed a good question. Who should be cast as Minmei? Lisa? Rick? - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Wonder how they'll play off the Minmay-Kyle relationship. Or, for that matter, if they're even gonna go near Yellow Dancer. - Steven Perez