Cell phones can affect sperm quality, researcher says - CNN.com - http://www.cnn.com/2008...
"On average, there was an 85 percent increase in the amount of free radicals for all the subjects in the study. Free radicals have been linked to a variety of diseases in humans including cancer," said Agarwal. Free radicals have been linked to decreased sperm quality in previous studies." - Sanjeev Singh
That's why i always keep my phone on standby mode and stuff it in the back pocket. anyway, my third child is on the way, dun think i'll hv another one. - Lim, Kok Kim
When I first saw this I assumed they improved the quality of your sperm - j1m
The second time I read this, I thought it said cell phone affect the quality of your spam. - j1m
" The semen in the test group was placed 2.5 centimeters from an 850 MHz cell phone in talk mode for 1 hour. Researchers say that 850 MHz is the most commonly used frequency. They used the measurement of 2.5 centimeters to mimic the distance between the trouser pocket and the testes. Agarwal reasoned that many men keep their active cell phones in their pants pocket while talking on their headsets." Really? 1 inch away? - Paul Buchheit
So if I keep my phone just over 3" away, there should be 1/10 the radiation, causing only 8.5% more free radicals, right? I bet that the inch of flesh will do much better at absorbing the radiation than the air in the study. - Gabe
Yeah, I wonder if they monitored or controlled temperature. Also, notice that they phone was in "talk" mode, not standby or whatever it's called when you're not talking. - Paul Buchheit
In the article they said the control group was at the same temperature as the test group, so that should be good enough. It seems like they were specifically trying to determine if men should keep their phone in their pocket while talking on a headset. - Gabe
Paul, maybe Agarwal is hung like a chimp (or uses an 80s-style brick phone) :). The big story here to me is that the radiation is causing any changes at all to biological tissue that isn't purely explained by heating. - Sanjeev Singh
kk, if you're done with kids, maybe it's time to keep your cell phone on in your front pocket :) - Sanjeev Singh
jeev, but i don't want risk getting testicular cancer, cos there is a study that suspect prolong use of phone causes cancer "According to a study by the Swedish National Institute for Working Life, heavy cellphone users face an increased risk, especially on the side of the head where the phone is held" - Lim, Kok Kim