Gillmor Gang Live Friday 03.20.15 LIVE recording at 1:00pmPT/4:00pmET
Did you mean 03.20.15?? - Tom Guarriello
Did you mean 1:30pm?? - charles carrico
Meant today 03.20.15 at 1pmPT / 4pmET - Steve Gillmor
Who is on the call today? - Simon Tennant
kevin? you here? - Tina Chase Gillmor
hello folks - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hi Tina - Tom Guarriello
BTW, pronunciation guide: GWA-RE-YELLOW ;) - Tom Guarriello
Only real pro's do 2 takes - Keith Teare
Does anyone have issues with the Apple TV mirroring thing? - Nir Ben Yona
Spotty, Nir - Tom Guarriello
Hi TOm G! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Which is what most people, including my students, call me, Tina!! - Tom Guarriello
Tom, yeah that's what I'm getting right now. - Nir Ben Yona
maybe I'll do a quick Meekcast during the show...but not sure I have enough hands - Tina Chase Gillmor
Beatles reference.Drink up - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tom. What students? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Masters in Branding students at NYC's School of Visual Arts - Tom Guarriello
Tom - ahhh. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Interesting...Apple is going to the more intimate Apple leaders are being more 'sharing' intimate. The Isaacson book was good...but those that knew him well want people to know that his life had an 'arc' He had a lot of was a struggle to master them...but, there was growth - Therese Sullivan
I'm getting flashbacks - Kevin Marks
cute calico - Tina Chase Gillmor
cat knows how to find the mic - Tina Chase Gillmor
That's a pretty big difference from 15 years ago. Timing is everything - Tom Guarriello
I'm late! but i made it! - Matthew Voshell
@Kevin... that cat DOES NOT CARE that you are on live tv - Matthew Voshell
Alex Lindsay Meerkats from Rwanda are very cool - Tom Guarriello
shouldnt there be some sort of barrier to broadcasting though? I mean isnt this why the kardashians are on tv? does everyone live's need to be broadcast? are we all that important? - Matthew Voshell
How about Twitter's Periscope? - christina sponselli
Meerkat is this months Rooms. Whatever happened to that? - Moe Glitz
You can now follow via web or use their leader board. - Nir Ben Yona
MyCat is next moths Meerkat - Kevin Marks
@Kevin what is the cats name? - Matthew Voshell
2 weeks?! answers! - Matthew Voshell
I may be Meekcasting now. not sure. find me and follow to see - Tina Chase Gillmor
That's because we're all bozos on this bus! - Tom Guarriello
Bored by Meerkat. Unless somewhere is amazing it is a waste of attention - Francine Hardaway
Cisco telepresence? - Francine Hardaway
That's why Alex's Rwanda Meerkats are so fascinating, Francine. - Tom Guarriello
The cat's name is Callie - Kevin Marks
Yes. But most people aren't in Rwanda - Francine Hardaway
+1 Francine - Tom Guarriello
Kavin - WE used to have a calico named Callie as well - Tina Chase Gillmor
Very true Francine. Could work for Sports or Showbiz Entertainers whom want to engage with their fans before a big event - Moe Glitz
We used to have Qik and that died. - Francine Hardaway
People get bored watching people like me walk our dogs. - Francine Hardaway
I think Meerkat will be important for protests, etc. - Tom Guarriello
Ha ha... - J.C. Bouvier
Hi All - Laura Norvig
The Podfather! - J.C. Bouvier
Right, Tom - Francine Hardaway
he brought edting people out of the history of it - Kevin Marks
Drugs? - Tom Guarriello
Qik died quickly. Still waiting for Medium to go large - Moe Glitz
He still is. I support NoAgendaShow. - Francine Hardaway
Qik got bought by Skype and killed - Kevin Marks
16z podcasts are ace - Moe Glitz
He has Tourette's and that's part of his potty mouth. He explained it on NoAgenda - Francine Hardaway
+1 Moe. - J.C. Bouvier
Adam Curry and drug use did affect his memory - Kevin Marks
He doesn't use any drugs now - Francine Hardaway
Of course he's 50:-) - Francine Hardaway
You'll all be sad to know, no coupons for bday Apple Watches at the Apple Store. :( - J.C. Bouvier
No doubt about it, Steve. Adam was a huge factor in podcasting. So were you and Doc. - Tom Guarriello
Adam is 50plus - Tina Chase Gillmor
Why is that some live video platforms have success and others immediately devolve into porn? Remember Yahoo Live, and I'm having a brain fart about the other one - the completely anonymous one. - Laura Norvig
Support the NoAgenda Show. It's funny and smart. Donations supports the show - Francine Hardaway
Seesmic? - Francine Hardaway
seesmic was more snapchat but before phones worked - Kevin Marks
chatroulette? - Kevin Marks
Yes, Francine. Seesmic was also in the mix - Tom Guarriello
Yes, Kevin! What a disaster. - Laura Norvig
If most folks didn't have a Yahoo Mail account, Yahoo would be a ghost town - Moe Glitz
The level of anonymity plays into it - Laura Norvig
Kevin, you rock. You used the world confabulate! - Francine Hardaway
Autonomous - Francine Hardaway
Tesla looks good on paper. But sadly we drive on the road - Moe Glitz
That would be amazing, ref see i, robot.. cars talk to each other through networking and sonar and are able to travel at super high speeds - Matthew Voshell
Ha ha. - J.C. Bouvier
Still buying one. - J.C. Bouvier
Dan doesn't love the Apple watch - Francine Hardaway
Like that scene from Silicon Valley - Moe Glitz
Video of Tesla car reading speed limit and avoiding obstacle - Matthew Voshell
awww, Cat's in the Cradle. Your daughters want face time with you. And not the Apple kind. - Laura Norvig
Is anyone going to purchase seriously get one? - Matthew Voshell
Like the iPhone upgrades. The Apple Watch 4 will be the one. - Moe Glitz
Order it online. - Francine Hardaway
I backed the Pebble again. - Francine Hardaway Apple Watch vs. Android Wear. Time to Drive Tesla Further - Da
Someone invent the "leave me alone" watch for Dan. Invisible. Weightless. Quiet. - Laura Norvig
mullti-casting. is it additive or redundant? - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Kevin.. what model android wear is that? - Matthew Voshell
Tina, seems like another avenue for fragmented conversation. - Laura Norvig
I think we need a crossover GG/G3 show - Tina Chase Gillmor
it's the LG - Kevin Marks
why is education a handout? - Tina Chase Gillmor
How is Apple going to promote the iPhone 6 Plus S. It will look great in your pocket, whilst it communicates with the Apple Watch. - Moe Glitz
That's an understatement, Keith. Totally agree. Elitist crap. - Laura Norvig
"Not practicing overt racism/sexism isn't enough. We need to practice overt inclusion." - christina sponselli
The affirmative action debate is still alive and well... - Tom Guarriello
The rumored apple tv serivce and new hardware; I really just hope they redesign the OS of it; - Matthew Voshell
They kept her six effing years!!!!! - Francine Hardaway
+1 Kevin Marks. - Rob Underwood
Here we go Francine! ellenpao. I think since this: The Fuzzy, Insane Math That's Creating So Many Billion-Dollar Tech Companies - Bloomberg - Therese Sullivan
Mates. That's it. - Francine Hardaway
The VC industry is now on trial. Kudos to Bloomberg journo's 4linking 2stories by quoting Randy Komisar in each on the same day. Cuz thR linked! Ponzi only supports a few men atop. - Therese Sullivan
Francine - the boys are in our territory but good they're talking about it too - Tina Chase Gillmor
well put, Kevin. - Laura Norvig
Google has some kind of executive titled position about "unconscious biases" which is very, very smart - Tom Guarriello
+1 again Kevin Marks. Too often meritocracy is an illusion. It's easy to think that capital goes to the best objective ideas, but it's not really that easy or simply - Rob Underwood
Its the 'Put the kettle on love' mentality. - Moe Glitz
Meritocracy in SV is bullshit. - Francine Hardaway
This trial is big. It exposes the crony culture. - Francine Hardaway
+1 Francine - Rob Underwood
Tom, you mean Judith Williams, the one who called out Schmidt for talking over Megan Smith - Laura Norvig
Yes, Laura. That's her - Tom Guarriello
It's bigger. Anyone not like me is suspicious - Francine Hardaway
Trae Vasselo presents a list of all the $$$$ her deals brought into KPBC -- and it didn't matter. Because those amounts - like $3.2B for Nest-- are fixed by big boys in back rooms. Those amounts didn't reflect on her due to 'Fuzzy Math' So no big deal to let her go...thought leadership? Ha ha ha. - Therese Sullivan
Lip service - Francine Hardaway
Keith, amen brother!!! - Francine Hardaway
I am loving this conversation. Addressing the topic through opportunities and seminars is fine but is also kind of like greenwashing. - Laura Norvig
and what opportunities are you losing out on because you don't have women on your board or in your department/ company - Tina Chase Gillmor
or on your podcast - Kevin Marks
+1 Tina. (Mary Hodder would cheer.) - Therese Sullivan
Pretty soon we will get the first Rev Al Sharpton for Tech. - Moe Glitz
At Deloitte we had (well connected, affluent) parents of recent MBA graduates call senior managers and partners to appeal the performance reviews of their children (28, 29 year olds) - "you're ruining their life by saying they only 'meet expectations,'". Meritocracy is on life-support at best -- the people most resistant to actual meritocracy are those who are white, affluent, and powerful because it challenges their privilege. - Rob Underwood
cf Daniel Kahneman. An unconscious bias is one you don't know you have - Francine Hardaway
Keith, I suggest you read Kahneman's book, Thinking Fast and Slow, not to prove you have AN unconscious bias but to show you can't avoid them - Tom Guarriello
The House of Gillmor - Moe Glitz
Lol, Francine - Tom Guarriello
Yes Rob - Francine Hardaway
+1 Tom. We can only deal with our conscious biases obviously. That's enough work as it is. - Laura Norvig
I hope they get to 'Fuzzy Math' article because that is in their 'comfort zone.' - Therese Sullivan
Dan Farber cracks me up :) - Simon Benvenutto
Dan's on a roll today. - Laura Norvig
whats the fuzzy math article? - Kevin Marks
Excellent, honest discussion of these matters - Tom Guarriello
Neither does Kleiner Perkins - Francine Hardaway
you mean the petrie principle? - Kevin Marks
Note Randy Komisar is quoted in both. - Therese Sullivan
Self-serving a bit as it's something I care a lot about -- the way we start to fix this is making sure ALL kids get access to a high quality education including access to computational thinking and computer science. - Rob Underwood
The VC industry is now on trial. Kudos to Bloomberg journo's 4linking 2stories by quoting Randy Komisar in each on the same day. Cuz thR linked! Ponzi only supports a few men atop. - You (edit | delete) - Therese Sullivan
That's why I'm glad Ellen sued. I don't know if she should have been fired or not, but these questions should come up. - Francine Hardaway
I'm saying meritocracy in SV is bullshit. - Francine Hardaway
I agree francine - Kevin Marks
There are plenty of people in SV who have merit and aren't recognized. - Francine Hardaway
Software developers, engineers, technologists, need to be making the time to volunteer in schools to teach coding and hour or two a week. It feels good and you can make a huge difference. Programs like TEALS, etc. - Rob Underwood
Yep. Trae Vassello had the better case. But, she didn't want to do it because 'boy - it's brutal'. But, they've put the VC industry on trial. It's price fixing. - Therese Sullivan
The best thing is that, individually, we are all conscious of our unconscious bias and, in spite of them, try and not make decisions based on bullshit reasons. - Simon Benvenutto
Comments are going away from Friendfeed, so then what? - Francine Hardaway
irc? - Kevin Marks
IRC just sounds soon retro :) - Simon Benvenutto
Tell them to sign up for Friendfeed. For 2 weeks - Moe Glitz
I've had that power for over a decade - Kevin Marks
Rob, check out a new program called Digital Nest. I am a big fan of the founder: - Laura Norvig
Cool, Laura. That's great! Here's something I'm doing to raise a bunch of money for programs that teach coding in schools in NYC -- - Rob Underwood
The Royal Wave - Moe Glitz
should we integrate Meerkat regularly? If so how? - Tina Chase Gillmor
I find I always go back and delete my Meerkat comments from my Twitter feed - Rob Underwood
Andy Warhol would love all this tech, if he were around today - Moe Glitz
We need something, Tina. - Tom Guarriello
yeah, that would not work. (pushed twitter comments) - Laura Norvig
I agree with you Steve -- the comments become out of context. - Rob Underwood
MOe - most definitely Andy would - Tina Chase Gillmor
He's being famous for 15 minutes quote. Seems a huge understatement - Moe Glitz
I would like to watch the Meekat chat on my desktop while Im casting. I can't do both - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hangouts on Air drives me crazy because of identity issues, difficult to broadcast as a specific youtube channel identity instead of personal identity. - Laura Norvig
How about a WhatsApp Gillmor Gang Chatroom - Moe Glitz
it's called XFN - Kevin Marks
also had it for a decade - Kevin Marks
did you read Andy Baio's post on this? - Kevin Marks
When you trust someone else' silo, you lose. - Simon Tennant
when you *only* trust someone else's silo - Kevin Marks
Hi Tom G. on Meercast. I see your comments on the Meerkat stream but can't respond there. too many things to do - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hi here, Tina - Tom Guarriello
Very surprised that most youngsters get their news on Pinterest, rather than Twitter. - Moe Glitz
Kevin: just wrote about this problem - the next value in messaging will be in silo interconnects ( - Simon Tennant
News on Pinterest? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Kevin: with good silo interconnect you also get network effects at a much bigger scale. - Simon Tennant
Exactly Tina - Moe Glitz
cat bashing - Tina Chase Gillmor
yes simon - Kevin Marks
Nasty cat! - Tom Guarriello
Kevin: but as you say it's easier to build a silo than interconnected system. So the real way to win this battle is to give developers easy to use tool that help them add *open*, *federated* comms to their apps. - Simon Tennant
you're speaking my indieweb language - Kevin Marks
Had this data ownership conversation with Sean Bohan of Firefox/Mozills at lunch the other day. - Tom Guarriello
Uber is valued the same as Salesforce. How? - Moe Glitz
Germany blacklisted Uber - Moe Glitz
both provide cloud infrastructure to businesses? - Kevin Marks
*verklempt* - Laura Norvig
+1 Steve - Therese Sullivan
site deaths are bad - Kevin Marks
there is an archive script individuals can use to download. but uggh, yeah site deaths suck - Laura Norvig
o_O Yo? - Kevin Marks
App is so retro - Kevin Marks
Snowing like a beast here in Princeton! Happy Spring! - Tom Guarriello
for those of you watching on Meerkat now as well please give those folks our other addresses - Tina Chase Gillmor
Kevin did you say “” ? - kat turning
so, you can ask to crawl links - Kevin Marks
today's link has not been crawled" - Kevin Marks
but if you click the "save this url" button it will be - Kevin Marks
you can do this on your own friendfeed links - Kevin Marks
name for show? - Tina Chase Gillmor
MereKat? Not MeerKat - Tom Guarriello
Whats New Meerkat! - Moe Glitz
Meek Rat - Kevin Marks
damn my meerkat stream may not have saved - Tina Chase Gillmor
don't know yet - Tina Chase Gillmor
My meerkat stream - Keith Teare