Why is Bill 'Robocop' Melendez still a police officer? - http://www.dailykos.com/story...
"Once the world learned the identity of the officer who nearly killed Floyd, framed him for cocaine possession, and told lie after lie on the police report, it all made perfect sense. Bill Melendez is notorious in Detroit. In 2003, after a year-long joint investigation between the FBI and Detroit Police Department, Bill Melendez was indicted for corruption, falsifying police reports, and planting drugs/guns on suspects who had been illegally arrested. In the indictment, Melendez, nicknamed "Robocop" for his bodybuilding and excessive use of force, wasn't listed as a bit player, but as the ringleader and driving force behind the corruption. Putting their own lives at risk, scores of witnesses, including several African-American police officers testified against Melendez, but the case crumbled with jury nullification." - Andrew C (✔)
"Twelve years ago, long before he nearly killed Floyd Dent, Officer Melendez had already cost the city millions of dollars in settlements and wracked up more brutality complaints than any other officer in all of Detroit. In 1996, Melendez shot and killed Lou Adkins, an unarmed man, who witnesses said was on the ground and posed no harm when Melendez shot him, execution style, 11 times. The city of Detroit paid $1 million to Adkins's family in a wrongful-death suit, but Melendez kept his job. Complaint after complaint on Bill Melendez has been filed for illegally planting evidence." - Andrew C (✔)