Went to the Vet today and found out our Samantha has a very bad heart murmur. She may have congestive heart failure. We'll know more tomorrow when they sedate her to take x-rays and an EKG. :(
:( sorry to hear that. Hope things work out for her, and you! - Jim #teamFFrank
Oh, I'm sorry about your pup. - Anika
sorry to hear good luck - WarLord
Thanks all. She's ten and just went in to have a tooth removed. They can't put her under to do this until we find out more about her heart. Wasn't expecting this. - Bonnie Foster
Update--the Vet called and said Sammy's got a heart murmur from age, but her heart looks fine, normal size, no disease, no congestion! He put her out and yanked the bad tooth, and she's doing fine. We're going to pick her up now. Very happy! :)) - Bonnie Foster
That's doubly wonderful good news! - Anika
Phew! Glad she's okay!!! - Melly #FForever
Glad she's ok! - adf