Microsoft Kinect Hacked to play World of Warcraft » Coolest Gadgets -
"Living Rooms all around the world are shaking with fear of users actually taking swords and attacking their big screens thanks to a new hack for the Microsoft Kinect that allows gamers to play World of Warcraft without a keyboard." - Victor Ryden 美久太阿
I can't decide if this is really cool or like playing on your iPhone, just not worth it. - Heather
interesting use of the technology, but I maintain my normal status. The keyboard/mouse and handheld controller have been standard for so long for a simple reason. They work and allow more complex controllability than flailing your arms and legs about will ever be able to. Plus, could you imagine doing a 3 hour raid just waving your arms around? You'll get to the last boss, pass out and piss off your team. - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce