Vampire fans: you have 24 hours to name a vampire scenario that hasn't already been done.
Heh - I think that'd be tough with any sub-genre of monsters. I'd personally like to see a good vampire hard-boiled detective story, or drawing-room mystery, but that's because I prefer those to over-sexed melodrama. - Jennifer Dittrich
I can tell you the EXACT MOMENT I started to hate vampires. When, for some unknown reason, Mulder and Skully started having to catch one or something. REALLY? REALLY?? - tehKenny
Vampirism is caused by a parasite. It's so obvious, because that's what vampirism most closely models, but I don't think I've seen that done anywhere. It would have a complex life cycle, which would allow for some interesting possibilities. Mind you, I used 24 seconds not hours to come up with that, so it's not amazing. - Lo
Lo, it's actually been done... um... EVERYWHERE. - tehKenny
Hah - I loved the vampire episode of X-files (with Luke Wilson!) simply because they told if from two different perspectives, his and hers, and I loved how that colored how they saw events/comments. - Jennifer Dittrich
Can you be more specific than "EVERYWHERE"? Because I'd be interested. - Lo
It's been a while since I saw Blade, but I do not remember any discussion of the life cycle of a parasite. - Lo
A "cure" does not imply a parasite, it implies some sort of disease. I do not think the mechanism of the disease is usually explained. What I am talking about is something that would have multiple life stages in multiple hosts like many parasites. I think it would be fascinating, and I do not think it has been done, but if Kenny just wants to dismiss my input as useless immediately that's his right. - Lo
Not that I've read it for the above mentioned reasons but a google search on "Vampirism as Disease" says it was present in the novel of "I Am Legend". - tehKenny
Same as Aden. This thread is already a bit TL;DR. - tehKenny
Vampires burrowing to the center of Mars to fight alien dinosaurs that have been teleported through space and time. Disclaimer: I'm not a "vampire fan;" I just like a challenge. - Brad Greer
Nice one, Brad, but it's a trap. I don't think he actually wanted ideas, despite directly asking for them. - Lo
I would totally see that movie on opening day, though :D Can the alien dinosaurs have laser eyes? - Lo
Aden: Yes, but when you have people getting sick of typical vampires and then getting sick of vampires in the modern era and then sick of vampires "but with a little twist" then sick of vampires versus other hollywood creatures and then claiming they want to go back to real vampires maybe the problem isn't with the variations on the idea, maybe it's just the fucking idea. - tehKenny
Vampires that are vegetarians. - Morton Fox
According to Wikipedia, the infectious agent in I Am Legend is bacteria. - Lo