Westboro Baptists ‘booking flights’ for Johannesburg to protest Mandela’s funeral | The Raw Story - http://www.rawstory.com/rs...
Oh FFS :( - Iain Baker
they should be put on the no fly list. - Gunneh's Gonna Miss Y'all
OTOH, maybe we should let them leave the country...only to be denied admission when they try to return. - Just another Bubba
But then again, I don't hate South Africa that much. FTM, I don't hate any country that much. *sigh* - Just another Bubba
DB Cooper 'em all, somewhere over Siberia - Iain Baker
Of course.... - Gabrielle
Ugh! - Tamara J. B.
Sadly, you can't deny a citizen entry into his or her own country. However, I would think that they could be in great physical danger should they decide to protest Mandela's funeral, so there's that. - Glen Campbell
Indeed. If they do make it over there, I think they'll have enough time to hoist a placard.....and then....., well, I just hope someone videos it. - Iain Baker
Pretty sure they're asking for trouble and I'm here for it all. They can get away with their free speech hateful bullshit here, but slandering Madiba in Joburg might land em in the hospital. - Starmama
They're so horribly predictable. >.< - Jenny H.
(Possible threadjacking) Glen: Normally your statement about denying entry or travel to a US citizen would be true, but there happens to be an important trial going on in San Fran this week about this very issue: http://papersplease.org/wp/ (A lot of updates in the last week so it's a lot to plow through) - Brian Johns
FYI: hope everyone knows I was employing sarcasm when I suggested these jackwagons shouldn't be allowed to reenter the country. Sarcasm...or maybe wishful thinking. But definitely not serious. - Just another Bubba
There are no 1st Amendment protections while outside the US borders. If they are not careful, they could end up in jail or a hospital. - April Russo (FForever!)
If we're lucky... - Gunneh&#39;s Gonna Miss Y&#39;all