Gillmor Gang Live Friday 02.20.15 LIVE recording at 1pm PT/4pm ET
Here - Keith Teare
Hi. We are rebooting something. Stand by - Tina Chase Gillmor
We are all always rebooting something... - Tom Guarriello
Just like Detroit - Keith Teare
+1 there, Keith - Tom Guarriello
It looks like the show is aborted today due to Comcast "fixing" our line just before show time. It's not back up and not looking good. So sorry. Beyond our control. Man, is Steve mad! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Did you count to 60 after turning the modem off :) - Simon Benvenutto
Ugh... - Tom Guarriello
I'm just a few blocks away from Comcast headquarters. I could go and pie someone there. ;) - Alex de Soto
Tina, it happens to all of us... - Simon Benvenutto
Time for an adult beverage, Tina... - Tom Guarriello
Until next time. - Alex de Soto
We're back up - Tina Chase Gillmor
Anyone still around? - Tina Chase Gillmor
we are going to start in five minutes - Tina Chase Gillmor
We ar ON! - Keith Teare
Maybe one of you can get a tweet out, encourage the chat again. - Simon Benvenutto
someone help with a tweet - Tina Chase Gillmor
Will do - Tom Guarriello
Done a Tweet - Keith Teare
keith can you call on newsgangone - Tina Chase Gillmor
Comcast proving again the case for hybrid SaaS-Cloud in the enterprise (kills the consumer dead) - clive boulton
hello earth from - Kevin Marks
We're back! - clive boulton
Yay! - Ian Waring
Frigid North is right. We're way up to 14.5 here in Princeton - Tom Guarriello
headphones? - Kevin Marks
I love Digg Deeper - Francine Hardaway
Do you digg it deeply? - Frank Paynter
I also use it as my primary stream. - Francine Hardaway
Haha Frank - Francine Hardaway
But then I get the same items from Medium, Flipboard. - Francine Hardaway
Use Slack a lot here - Ian Waring
I'm getting triple copies of most notifications, from all the different curation tools I use - Francine Hardaway
G+ HOA has icon to adjust bandwidth (less picture / more sound). May be skype / tricaster adjuster. - clive boulton
digg deeper should subtract links I've tweeted or faved - Kevin Marks
IFTTT rebranded as IF, right? - Tom Guarriello
Sounds like John and Steve have colds. Thanks for fighting thru. - clive boulton
"the T is silent" "which one?" "all of them" - Kevin Marks
It's like the iOS app Workflow - Tom Guarriello
Kevin that's quite funny - Francine Hardaway
Never sure if I need to renew my Yo Tweetstorm subscription every time it fires - or not - Ian Waring
Keith should always use this camera location/angle - Tom Guarriello
Stays silent for weeks... - Ian Waring
ou mean we don't have enough attention span to deal with a piece of software anymore? - Francine Hardaway
I've taken YO off my phone for the fourth time. Scoble keeps urging me to put it back on, but then it doesn't prove useful. Other apps do what it does - Francine Hardaway
my dog has a squeaky toy - Kevin Marks
muting - Kevin Marks
Kevin ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Single purpose Apps are really miniaturized narrow focus Windows apps. KISS to avoid confusion - clive boulton
Fido anyone? - Ian Waring
Its a 4k Sony A7s - Keith Teare
I'm drowning in individual apps, too - Francine Hardaway
Am I really going to download 3 "Do" apps and an "If"? - Francine Hardaway
+10 Francine - Tom Guarriello
what is that monitor in back of John B? - Tina Chase Gillmor
is it that "art on the wall" startup? - Kevin Marks
Next layer above iOS ~ second skin systems [mirror worlds] - clive boulton
not that different for me tbh - Kevin Marks
Using Outlook on my 6+ as my default email - links nicely with Dropbox etc - Ian Waring
I'm using HomeScreen - Francine Hardaway
Francine - I can always count on you to keep up. That's why you're part of G3! - Tina Chase Gillmor
How many users are there of HomeScreen? - Francine Hardaway
Excel nice too - Ian Waring
Thanks Tina. - Francine Hardaway
the calendar date and clock icons are dynamic, but probably a closed API - Simon Benvenutto
HomeScreen priceless analytics for incubator investments - clive boulton
If there are enough users who report their screens repeaatedly Clive - Francine Hardaway
Apple clock does that as well - Roger Shepherd
Tina, this is why we should use Slack for G3 - Francine Hardaway
Good point Francine - clive boulton
We have Jenkins piped into Slack - Ian Waring
I don't yet get Slack - clive boulton
As well as their Slackbot - Ian Waring
btw if there are any local peeps listening today (to the SF Bay Area) - I will be getting use of Scott Jordan's ( ScotteVest) PocketMan car early next week. If anyone wants a spin in it... let me know - Tina Chase Gillmor
Conversational VAX Notes - Ian Waring
slack is the IRC+ wiki model that engs already sue, made workable for normals - Kevin Marks
Shoot. am I posting as Steve or Tina? - Tina Chase Gillmor
As Tina, Tina - Tom Guarriello
Virtual watercoolers - Ian Waring
yeah. it's me tina. - Tina Chase Gillmor
But that's good Kevin. Workable for normals is good. - Francine Hardaway
You mean do they use it at WalMart? - Francine Hardaway
Salesforce customers are "true enterprise" - Tom Guarriello
We're using it at a 50 head startup - Ian Waring
It is a very good podcast. - Simon Benvenutto
Name this show: Xing blood brain barrier c/o Steve - clive boulton
But shouldn't you start by scratching your own itch? - Francine Hardaway
a16z definitely worthwhile - Tom Guarriello
I like listening to a16z. - Francine Hardaway
Yammer was internal Twitter - Francine Hardaway
That's the way I brought Yammer into clients, Francine - Tom Guarriello
In many ways the model Stewart describes is a ChatOps type model, its not so much the tool as using the channels as the glue that pulls the company together. - Simon Benvenutto
Track!!! - Tom Guarriello
track <3 - Tina Chase Gillmor
Slack integration handy for enterprise - clive boulton
you type /bug @kteare blah blah - Kevin Marks
I can't believe Steve is able to do the show today. He's got a crappy cold - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina, you're doing a great job producing the show - Tom Guarriello
Nuzzel. I really like Nuzzel. Easier to read than Digg Deeper. But I read them both - Francine Hardaway
Nuzzel said I followed too many people - Kevin Marks
I do Nuzzle but not Digg Deeper yet. - Tom Guarriello
Since when do apps pass judgment on you Kevin - Francine Hardaway
all the time -have you tried ThinkUp - Kevin Marks
ThinkUp exists to pass judgment.. It tells me how many times a week I've said "shit" - Francine Hardaway
That's funny, Kevin/Francine. ThinkUp is trying to make sense of your words and punctuation marks. And your Twitter profile changes, of course. - Tom Guarriello
what is the name? - Kevin Marks
chatrate? - Kevin Marks
chatgrape? - Keith Teare
web actions is what we call it now - Kevin Marks
chatgrep? - Kevin Marks
Hi all - late today but loving the topic right now. - Laura Norvig
Does Slack have a free version for any enterprise? (or maybe for Nonprofits ...?) - Laura Norvig
yes, Slack is freemium - Kevin Marks
can't find "chat *" - clive boulton
Slack is free unless you need paid features - Keith Teare
you can set it up free, and you pay for extra users, extra integrations - Kevin Marks
Thx, Keith! - Laura Norvig
Laura - take a look at it. It does quite a lot without getting into paid versions - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Tina, would love to. Just getting our folks used to Chatter, though, don't know if they would get why we would add Slack. But I'll ask our super IT gal if we can test it out. - Laura Norvig
Simon - mucho thanko - clive boulton
I love continuity! I haven't been here live for months (hi everybody) and I can schloop right into the notifications discussion. Didn't miss a beat. - Amyloo
RIP Glitch. Stewart's previous venture. - christina sponselli
Amylou or stuck in a groove - Francine Hardaway
Amyloo - We've been here constantly :-) - Keith Teare
Just got distracted by Daring Fireball's piece on the prices of various Apple watch bands. Holy shit - Francine Hardaway
Francine - Beautiful or expensive? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Not being a watch person, I can't see paying so much. $20k Tina - Francine Hardaway
That was was an interesting analysis, right Francine? - Tom Guarriello
you can get response interactions on your watch - Kevin Marks
Every press piece I read raises the price:-) - Francine Hardaway
And Dave Winer thinks Heartbeat will be the killer app. - Francine Hardaway
bajeeeez - Tina Chase Gillmor
launcher apps are pretty big on android - Kevin Marks
But really lack of heartbeat is the killer app - Francine Hardaway
Cyanogen Mod - Francine Hardaway
this is a very good article on notifications - Kevin Marks
@keith -- Yes, here all the time -- and you guys were way ahead of the game. - Amyloo
I get pretty good notifications off my Pebble watch. - Francine Hardaway
Sounds like an Apple Watch scenario - Tom Guarriello
The problem is that an individual app sends notifications but so do 50 others. - Francine Hardaway
We need bots to manage all these notifications - Tom Guarriello
Twitter may turn out losers in Slacks apps climb. Talking in communities better UX than notifications from all. - clive boulton
just signed our team up for Slack! - Laura Norvig
Notifications are basically dumb at source: they are the apps interpretation of what I want !? Notifications need good filters, you guys have discussed before, and the filters must be contextual e.g.: I'm hungry :) - Simon Benvenutto
That video was great, Keith - Tom Guarriello
Foursquare is good at that - Kevin Marks
Steve - I hope your cold gets better.... - Roger Shepherd
Our little effort at diversity. - Francine Hardaway
Feel better all! - Alex de Soto
if you look closely you can see the person throwing the cat - Kevin Marks
I'm embarrassed that I'm not following G3. I'm a jerk! - Tom Guarriello
Thanks for the show! - christina sponselli
Let's use Slack for this. - Francine Hardaway
Tom, a misogynist - Francine Hardaway
Great show guys, you were missed last week, thanks for the effort in spite of the comms issues !!!!! - Simon Benvenutto
I'm afraid I could be charged with that on the basis of this data, Francine, but it is totally untrue!!! - Tom Guarriello
Name this show. Slack talk. - clive boulton